
2 years, 1 month ago


NAME Bobble or B.B
AGE 35
SPECIES Robot, Human (formerly)
HEIGHT 6'10" / 208cm
OCCUPATION Nurse & Assistant
VOICE CLAIM Martin Blackwood - TMA


"Just because I'm a robot doesn't mean I have a cold heart!"

Tenderhearted | Hardworking | Caring


Bobble is a robot that works at Trevor's clinic as a nurse and asisstant... and a bit of a caretaker. He was once human with a life and an identity but had to leave that to become a robot for a project that's testing how the human brain could function in a machine vessel and he's one of the few that's the living proof of it.

At the moment, his main purpose is to serve under Trevor Goode, not because he was forced to but it was his own choice. He helps Trevor kidnap people from their own homes or take odd creatures from the wilderness. And then dispose of bodies that's deemed to be dead after an experiment or having their internal organs be harvested.


Bobble is level-headed but could get frustrated easily, though tries his best to maintain his temper at times and tolerates anything that comes his way in the job. He could get sarcastic at times, mainly poking fun of Trevor and his ridiculousness but he tries not to take it too far with his remarks. As docile he may seem, he doesn't really take orders from others besides Trevor, if someone pushes him around to do things he would do the exact opposite of what he's told to mess with them. Afterall, he's still a person and not just a machine.

He's very caring and sympathetic person, he would often try his best to help patients as much as he could unless they're bound to be dead by the hands of Trevor. In truth, he doesn't really like the idea of experimenting on others without their consent but he still does whatever he gets asked to do and has to keep being desensitized.


  • The brain is actually attached to a bunch of wires to which controls the body. I hadn't really illustrated it properly but I refuse to do so because it seems tedious.
  • He highly enjoys cooking despite the fact that he couldn't feel or taste anything anymore. But he uses Trevor as his little taste tester and critic, he mostly had positive reviews. Once a great cook, always a great cook!
  • He has a *thing* hidden away somewhere below his area. It was mainly added because Trevor requested it as a joke. Bobble has no idea that its in there.