Florence Theiss [RDR2]



2 years, 1 month ago


Name             Florence Lilith Theiss
Age                Teenager
Pronouns       She/Her

Florence Thiess grew up on a ranch with her parents and older sister, Ciar. Her family ignored the 'gendered' nature of certain chores, all pitching in where they could to keep the ranch going, especially with her mother sick. Florence has an affinity for animals, spending most of her time tending to the livestock and playing with the family's labrador, Goldie

Her mother's health took a turn for the worse so her father headed into the nearby town of Rhodes, but was unfortunately shot and robbed by the Lemoyne Raiders. Her mother ended up succumbing to her illness not long after, leaving Ciar and Florence alone. Ciar stepped up as best she could, selling off the ranch animals and doing what she could to get the both of them through. 

Ciar went out hunting one day and never returned. The ranch was invaded by Lemoyne Raiders not long after, having assumed the place was abandoned but not stopping when they found the girl inside. Goldie tried to protect her remaining owner, but was killed in the altercation. Florence fled quickly after, leaving everything behind.

She ran until she couldn't. With nothing to her name and nowhere to go, she snuck aboard a train and ended up in Saint Denis. She tried to find work in the city, but at her young age and with no way to appear presentable, she ended up joining the homeless community instead. 

She ended up meeting a mutt named Jasper, saving him from some other kids. The two are now inseperable, relying on each other to survive.



Series            Red Dead Redemption 2

Extra              Created in 2018.