Arkxys Tyrra



2 years, 1 month ago




Name Arkxys Tyrra
Class Ranger / Blood Hunter
Age 24
Pronouns He/They
Height 6'5
Race Dispater Tiefling
Allignment Chaotic Good


  • Sweets
  • Bugs
  • Wood Whittling


  • Sour food
  • Hot weather
  • Rich people

A curious tiefling with a silver tongue, a perceptive eye, and a pension for lying. He spends most of his time working hard for the organization he's apart of, mostly enjoying the aspect on getting whatever information he may be able to soak up during his work about the world around him. Despite his snarky and charming exterior, Arkxys tends to harbor a more irritable and somber personality when it's just himself, that side of him slipping out in stressful situations or around people he doesn't tend to like. Usually though he can keep it under wraps, but the current party he's been traveling with bring it out of him even more...



Ranger | Hunter

Arkxys became a ranger during his older teen years in the Emerald Winds, an organization that took him in when he was a kid. Picking up a two weapon fighting style, along with the ability to track his enemies, Arkxyx became a decent fighter and tracker within the group.

Blood Hunter | Ghostslayer

While the party were fighting within the Shadows, an underground city in Biskra, Arkxys was struck with a burning sensation filling his veins and was granted a mysterious power. It is currently unknown to him that he has any sort of Blood Hunter abilities, but he'll figure that one out soon enough.


His twin swords gifted to him from the Emerald Winds' blacksmith "Huldek". The swords shine a magical blinding light when he wills it, fending off attackers and buying him more time. He doesn't understand how the swords work sometimes, but he uses them well.


Arkxys was born to Kalrali and Zherthus Tyrra in Pirn, two bakers who had dreams of giving their child a good life. When he was about 4 years of age, the two of them took Arkxys and moved to the kingdom known as Biskra, hoping they could kickstart their bakery there and give Arkxys an above and beyond education. Arkxys was happy for awhile, blissfully unaware of the state of Biskra as he parents faced the reality of their choice. Biskra wasn't a kind kingdom, the brick walls seemingly keeping in the harsh truth of this place. Still, they tried their best, and as long as Arkxys was safe and happy it was all they cared about. As a few years went on, when Arkxys was about 9 years old, he was hidden away and his parents were taken from him by guards. When the bakery was quiet, Arkxys sprinted out to where he saw a group of people gathered. There he watched his parents in their final moments as they were mercilessly executed, all alone now in a cold and uncaring kingdom.

As Arkxys went between hiding in the bakery and living within the streets, he ran into a drow girl younger than him named Belladonna. She was quiet, yet peppier than him given their situation. Arkxys decided to help her, thinking it's what his parents would of wanted him to do. Over the span of a year Arkxys grew to care intensely for her and even considered her a little sister, teaching her things and keeping a watchful eye over her. Though she'd meet a similar cruel fate as his parents once did, leaving Arkxys alone once more. At least this time, he got to say goodbye. Arkxys doesn't remember how long it was after that when he was found by a woman named Natasha. She was a bit weird, but helped Arkxys in burrying Belladonna outside the kingdom where she could be in peace. He'd eventually end up leaving Biskra with her and a dwarven man named Huldek, the two bringing him to the Emerald Winds which he would soon call home.

The Plan

As Arkxys got older, the urge to be able to do things on his own increased. He no longer wanted to just be seen as "Natasha's kid" or "The Emerald's Sapphire", but as someone who could come up with his own plans without the need of a supervisor. He still appreciated Natasha and her guidance, along with Cosmo n Huldek as well, but his own plans for his life were beginning to catch up with him. He didn't have forever to fulfil his goal anyways. Without telling anyone except for his best friend, Lumiarty, Arkxys left the Emerald Winds and began his sixth month plan to infiltrate a prison as "Nathaniel" and break free its inhabitants. Even with the heavy research and guard training though, he would not expect to find that Oryx, the prison of his choosing, wasn't just an average prison.


Arkxys ended up breaking out of the prison with just a handful of people, having gotten drugged and his infiltration being found out. Arkxys thought for a moment that he was going to die in a fucking tube after waking up in one, but the people he let in on the plan helped to get him out...even if two of the people were the reason he got in there in the first place. The party traversed through dangerous woods, got chased out of the city of Axel, ended up saving a town from a disease which caused comatose, survived Biskra and the underground city known as the Shadows, and are finally on the road to Trudd to participate in the Battle of Amph. Arkxys is tired and worn, but is pushing himself to get through this and go back home so they can properly stage a prison break on Oryx once again.


  • Learned how to wood whittle from his mom when he was younger before choosing to pick it back up when he was a teenager.
  • Can bake and cook pretty well actually.
  • Plays the pan flute, picked it up when he was a teenager due to his father having liked music so much.
  • Can sing fairly well but only does it in private and usually never sings for anyone even if they ask.
  • Has a soft spot for kids, and will usually put up with however they choose to behave. He was once stabbed by a child and got disgruntled but didn't do anything to hurt them.



His best friend and sister-figure. Lumiarty was also taken in by Natasha a few years after Arkxys, the two not hitting it off super well at first due to Arkxys' distrust towards High Elves. As the years went on though the two became attached by the hip, being the kind of friends who could head off and do their own thing before coming back and acting like no time had passed. Lumiarty is the more hyperactive half to Arkxys' more controlled personality.


One of the people Arkxys attempted to break out of Oryx. An ex-lawyer and bard, Newton peaked Arkxys' interest early on. Their dynamic was shaky and overall complicated, but they've grown to see each other as friends in the month they've been traveling together. Newt is the person in the party Arkxys finds himself unable to lie to, and tends to be more patient and reasonable with him.


Newt's sibling. Arkxys actually knew Geist prior to meeting Newton, being in the same organization as her for three years now. He viewed her as an ally and a possible friend, but was always suspicious of Geist's motives. After learning Geist wasn't in control of some of her actions, but did infact frame their brother, Arkxys has to take some time in trying to be kind to them again. For Newton at least.


One of the people Arkxys attempted to break out of Oryx. Tessa had an interesting background while Arkxys was snooping through records, causing him to be interested. Though the interest was quickly shattered when Tessa drugged him with Linkin just to see if the drugs being handed out were working. As of now, their dynamic has gotten better and they bicker here and there but Arkxys has been shown to at least be sympathetic towards Tessa, even if he doesn't entirely trust her actions.


One of the people Arkxys attempted to break out of Oryx. Linkin caused Arkxys a large headache in the first half of the party heading to Trudd. His distrust in Linkin's plans and impulsive behavior caused Arkxys to become irritable, constantly disagreeing with Linkin and butting heads with him. It was not until recent that Arkxys has grown to be more open to Linkin's plans, especially after he helped get them all out of the Shadows.


One of the fake guards that Arkxys met and worked with in Oryx. Marsh is a subject of Arkxys' distrust, the tiefling constantly watching to see what Marsh is going to do. After learning Marsh was just a dumbass, Arkxys cut the guy some slack while on the way out of Dramascus, trying to become more friendly with him. Some interesting things came up though on the road to Trudd, causing Arkxys' distrust to bubble back up as he started to lean more towards Linkin and become irritated with the things Marsh chose to keep hidden, and the things Marsh chose to say. Honestly, the things Marsh chose to say truthfully were the things Arkxys ended up hating the most.


One of the people Arkxys attempted to break out of Oryx. Arkxys doesn't entirely know why the two of them end up disliking each other all the time. Maybe it's the stubborness, maybe he just thinks Mires is an asshole, maybe the opposite. Arkxys doesn't seem to care what it is causing it. Though now Arkxys has his interest peaked in the odd dreams Mires has been having.