Consume | CollabYCH



2 years, 28 days ago



Note! If you came from a different platform and don't have a Toyhouse account, don't worry!
You can still contact me from the platform you came from!
Comment or DM me over there, depending on wether or not I got DMs on :P
Or ask me on my discord comm server


This is a collab ych, in which you do the art on a template and I do the animation!
I won't do the animation for free, they cost money!

consume_all.gifYour character eating 3 different things, whether it be bread, amogus, balls, amogus, primogems, balls, boba, banana, money, pictures of donkey, bathwater, spoon, monkeys, rat, worms, money, gacha balls, balls, trash, content, someones love and affection
yeah let your character consume their favourite things yeahh!!!11


When uploading, please credit instead of @MWINS for the animation 
(and maybe link the ych for others to find)

ToS To-do List Shop and YCHs

Animation Slot price:

5€ Paypal / 500 pts
(Note: I only do the animation, not the art)

Before buying a slot, please test out the base file first!
I'll only sell slots to people with finished/filled out PSD

Reason: To prevent slots from being bought and never used/forgotten/refunded later. I don't want anyone to spend money and forget or being unable to use the slot!


  • You can sell and offer these YCHs for profit yourself!
  • If you are offering these, I can also link them below!
  • You can draw whatever and however you like!
  • You can trade your slot to someone else!
  • I will adjust the ych slighty to fit your character
  • I can add a watermark if wanted!
  • Feel free to submit finished art to this gallery to promote/share your art!


  • Changing/altering animation
  • No hatefull basefills
  • Don't remove the credit of me or the ych

Finished Collabs


(ignore the size lmao)











How to "Collab"

>Download the Base PSD, test and fill it out [Google drive downlaod]
Note: Do not rename the layers and keep them the same! THEY ARE CASE SENSITIVE!
Remove any Layer that was not discussed or part of the original PSD!
Please don't leave your sketch layers etc there, keep them for yourself
Here is a bad video guide on how to I work with these files
Tip: Save the file twice! One file for editing it and for yourself and another finished version in PSD format for me to edit.
>Get yourself an Animation Slot after testing or finishing the PSD
You can either buy one, or in rare cases, offer for one! (I'd announce them in a bulletin or update)
>Send me the finished PSD and I will finish it!

I'll edit and add the animation to your art and send it to you!
You can send them to be via:
>Uploading them to stash and sending me the link
>Uploading them on Google Drive and giving me the link
>Uploading them onto Discord and sending me the link from there

You are allowed to sell and offer these!
If you have questions, feel free to ask me aswell!
If you see an error in your art or my animation, you can ask to have it fixed in a reasonable time span

Layer preview:
-Item3 | 
Food for your character
-Item2 | 
Keep the size similar to the template items
-Item1 | 
Too big and it might not fit your characters mouth
-FrontArm | 
Keep the shoulder placement the same!
-Pile | 
Can be a plate full of food or a pile! Keep it a bit big, so the items can hide behind it!
-Character | 
It's your character! Keep the mouth opened!
-Mouth | 
Individual Layer for the mouth! Items are thrown in here!
-BackArm | 
Keep the shoulder placement the same!
-Tail | 
Optional! If your character has no tail, just leave the layer blank

Extra additional layer(not displayed):
-Pile2 | If your pile is a bag or a pot, add Pile2! It will be the inner room of your bag, similar to how Mouth works!


thats all, if buying just state if using paypal or da pts