
2 years, 1 month ago



Name Bubba Kirchhardt
Nickname Bubs
Age 42
Pronouns He/him
Height 6'4
Sexuality Bi
Relationship Status Single
Pokemon Gyarados

Bubs is so incredibly tired. He's been through a lot in life and it was a very rocky path to get where he is and although he's more content now he is also perpetually exhausted. He has a very calm demeanor but will absolutely punch someone out if they deserved it. Bubs spent a good portion of his early youth on a Nuzlocke team where he witnessed death and grew up far too fast. It stuck with him and he doesn't tolerate any shit now days. He's also quite a loyal and relatively generous friend.


  • Football
  • Peace and quiet
  • Lazy river "rides"
  • Enjoys a fight or tussle on occasion
  • Mac and cheese


  • Bigots
  • Overly aggressive obnoxious people
  • He probably has more dislikes but he's too tired to hate

More in depth

Bubs was a pretty typical jock in high school. Played football and could have maybe done something with that. But that's exactly what his parents wanted and after their response to his sister coming out as trans, Bubs knew he didn't want to play into anything his parents wanted for him. So! He joined a team doing a challenge with such loose rules that people could just get killed. He didn't really think about the implications of this until reality hit him in the face the first time he had to witness death up close. He was a stubborn young dumb idiot out on his own but he sure grew up real quick. With a natural knack for fighting, Bubs became an important member and often won them matches.

Not only was he dedicated to his team and felt personally responsible for helping them complete this task, he also knew there was prize money and he wanted that to help get his sister out and on her feet. A good portion of his winnings did in fact go to her. Long story short, after the fighting was over and he was left with all that fun trauma, he had gotten so used to trying to be the strong one that he didn't know how to handle his feelings. He shut them away and refused to acknowledge his issues, and instead wanted to have a good time and party and drink because clearly he was just doing it for fun reasons. Eventually people figure out he wasn't okay but it truly took a heart to heart with his sister to get him to fix himself up. Now days he's just got tired uncle vibes. He very much is an advocate for people taking care of themselves and working through their issues. He tries to help people wherever he can, without being a pushy person about it.

Additional info

  • He has many scars all over his body
  • I may not draw it well but he has a decent amount of body hair and is quite large and muscular still since he still works out
  • Often has a tired stoic expression


☆Kiana☆ [ Sister ]

If there's one person in this world Bubs loves more than anyone else it'd be his younger sister. When she came out as trans when they were teenagers it initially confused him but he'd always loved his sibling and that wasn't about to change. He grew increasingly protective of her and promised to always be there if she needed it. In return she was also there for him during some of his lowest moments. They've both saved each other's lives and are incredibly close. He always speaks very fondly of her and doesn't tolerate any sister slandering.

☆Wes☆ [ Best Friend ]

He and Wes have a playful love hate relationship and aggressively joke around with each other. Despite shit talking him Bubs loves Wes and they've had similar paths with alcohol. In fact they were often drinking buddies which wasn't great for them but it did help solidfy more of a friendship between the two. They were on different teams during their Nuzlocke days but didn't really get close til later in life but now they have a very good bond. Bubs always tries to encourage Wes to handle things better when it comes to his mental health and always offers him a place to crash or advice. (Belongs to Nickey)

☆Mathias☆ [ FWB? ]

So... Mathias and Bubs had an interesting first meeting that involed Mathias breaking in and then ended with them having a friends with benefits kind of thing going on. Haha crazy right? It's not his proudest moment. But despite his fighting days being long gone there's still the tiniest spark of a thrill seeker and fighter left in Bubs. Mathias just happens to bring that out in him. Bubs grew to care about him though because he sees some similarities in how Mat handles his own issues with substance abuse. He wants to help steer Mathias in the right direction. He sees potential in him and knows he's got a good heart in there despite the many layers of stink. (Belongs to Nickey)

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