Xaldrin Vammyr



2 years, 1 month ago




Name Xaldrin Vammyr
Class Fighter | Gunslinger
Age 21
Pronouns He/Him
Height 6'0
Race Drow
Allignment Chaotic Good


  • Guns
  • Bounty Hunting
  • Guitar


  • Coffee
  • Sunlight
  • Being called a cowboy

Just a guy who wants to follow in his mother's footsteps as a reknown bounty hunter. Xaldrin is a carefree, smooth-talking gunslinger who acted as an older brother figure for a lot of the people in the friend group he was apart of, save for a few. Past the cool guy persona though is a nerd though who his friends love picking fun at. Overall he is still pretty cool even if he's a dork.



Fighter | Gunslinger

Xaldrin aimed on being a gunslinger since he could first accurately aim with his slingshot. His quick on the draw abilities leave him to be an exceptional shot, and is probably going to surpass his mother's skills one day. Xaldrin's methods of fighting with his gun rely on dazing shots and quick movements, using his incredible aim to support those two things.

Drow Magic

Spells that are in a Drow's blood. Xaldrin never really finds himself using any of these spells all that much, especially disliking one of the spells drows can usually handle.

Special Gun aka "His Baby"

A gun he keeps referring to as his pride and joy. WIP.


Xaldrin was born to Siniira Vammyr and [REDACTED], but ended up just being with his mother for most of his life. Siniira didn't have much of a luxery in settling down due to her job, so she took Xaldrin with her and the two made the most of it. Luckily for her, her son enjoyed getting to see the world of Dicrye, settling in taverns and inns as his mother did Bounty Hunting work. Eventually, his mother met Bezrym, a triton cleric who ended up accompanying the two drows. He wasn't too fond of her at first, but soon enough appreciated Bezrym for keeping his mother safe and therefore trusting her. Bezrym and Siniira got married, and the three of them all settled down in Tambress where the two women would continue to work while Xaldrin finally got to properly grow up.

Childhood in Northwich

Xaldrin was quick to make friends due to his friendly personality. He was the one who'd usually wrangle other kids together to try and do some fun group activity. In the midst of all this he ended up getting close to a few individuals: Veldryn, Enes, Sholtec, Aruk, and Cyrus. With those five they all got into various amounts of fun yet...also some trouble. The group eventually ended up getting a seventh edition to their group, Jupiter, who would soon become Xaldrin's rival. Xaldrin considers his childhood to be the best part of his life.


Having been the eldest of the group, Xaldrin ended up graduating from the adventuring school they all went to first. Due to this he took a year to go travel Dicrye again all on his own without his mother this time, wanting to get some work experience in. As the year came to a close, and his friends would soon graduate themselves, he came back to the town they all lived in as a surprise, wanting to see what the year had done for them while he was away. Learning they'd be getting their weapons, and his was done being repaired, he decided to accompany them to the adventuring academy so their first adventure would go by smoothly. Except, it hasn't so far. After ending up in a mysterious town where the residents were under some sort of spell and these weird amalgamations were roaming the area, Xaldrin became increasingly stressed. Not only that, but it turns out Jupiter, a friend of his he'd grown to trust, was not the "Jupiter" they said they were. Upon learning Jupter was a changeling and in turn was somehow related to these amalgamations, Xaldrin grew worried. He wished to trust his friend, but also knew he had to keep the safety of the others in mind as well, no matter how much it hurt him to think like that. As they confronted the creator of these amalgamations, escaped the underground testing lab, and saved most of the towns residents from being under this mind control, Xaldrin decided it was best to trust in Jupiter and support them the best he could. Still, his faith in himself has been shakey, the most he can do now is to get them back to Northwich.


  • Had a slingshot given to him by Siniira when he was younger to do ranged practice.
  • Used to play guitar and still kinda remembers how to play but hasn't done it in awhile.
  • Absolutely adores dogs n horses. Along with those two animals, he really likes birds: specifically Sparrows, Cardinals and Hawks.
  • Loves to learn about the history of a place, especially the folklore and stories instead of the actual history. Those tend to be the juiciest and most interesting things anyways.
  • [Redacted].



Best friend! Cares about Veldryn a whole bunch and would take any secret of his to the grave. After their fight while Veldryn was under the influence of the cursed wing, Xaldrin grew worried and insecure over his best friend's words. While he's no longer angry and knew Veldryn didn't mean it, he can't help but dwell on them.


Close childhood friend and the latest edition to said friend group. Jupiter is Xaldrin's rival in almost anything. Currently has a conflicted view on Jupiter due to the changeling thing (mostly the uh, ties to the lab!), but overall still trusts Jupiter and wants to keep them safe.


Close childhood friend. He views Cyrus as a younger sibling. Concerned for her after recent events with her brother's feathers being found. After finding out Cyrus is Veldryn's crush, he has been wondering how he can talk to Cyrus and try n' wingman for the guy, scratching his head in attempts to think of anything.


Close childhood friend. He views Sholtec as a younger sibling. Was so fucking confused when he saw the new uh, look Sholtec had. But hey! Warlock sure is a fun thing to be right? He supports the new phase (even if it was a forced phase done by a god with a terrible boston accent).


Close childhood friend. He views Enes as a younger sibling. Loves to tease Enes about most things, but otherwise really cares about her. He has more respect for Enes after she consoled him after Veldryn and his fight, helping him realize something was up with the other and that he probably doesn't actually feel the way he was expressing. Turns out she was right! So she helped saved his friendship with the guy, therefore solidifying a high spot of respect.


Close Childhood friend. He views Aruk as a younger sibling. Usually concerned about this one due to Aruk's background, but trusts in their abilities. He's been keeping a watchful eye on Aruk and his surroundings, making sure the other is safe.


Jupiter's ex? He doesn't even know if he can properly call Saturn that since Jupiter obviously isn't over him and they're PROBABLY going to get back together. Yeah. Either way, Xaldrin has an odd dislike for Saturn, his mood souring whenever his name is even brought up in conversation. Maybe it was how he thought Jupiter put all their attention onto Saturn for some time, maybe he just thinks Saturn's poetry is bad.