Kipper (Lobotomy Corporation AU)



11 months, 16 days ago


Name: Kipper Gainsborough

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Kipper is a freshman in college who is studying astronomy and physics. She’s Tressa’s childhood friend, they grew up in the same neighborhood and went to the same school. The two still remain friends even though Tressa didn’t pursue higher education like Kipper.

The summer before Kipper went off to college, she and Tressa started a project where they would explore their district and make their own map out of it, making note of any areas or landmarks they found interesting. In just under a month they had already made remarkable progress, so Tressa sought out more dangerous areas of the district to explore, specifically the area where Lobotomy Corporation was. Kipper was reluctant about the idea, as they would be trespassing Wing property, but as much as she didn’t want to cross the Wing, she didn’t want Tressa to go in alone either.