Pillow 🌈's Comments

Ooo would you possibly consider offers on them?

Yeah !! Feel free to offer ^^

Anyone from my th peak your interest? 

Offlimits is nuka's ocs and truesonas ^^

Anyone in my babies folder ? Sonas and bfs characters is off limits though !!

The only characters off limits outside of sonas is Sourpatch and Bingus anyone else in any other folder is fair game ^^

I absolutely LOVE Toe and Bowie. Pillow currently has a full body in the works by my partner (didn’t realize this lol), so his value would jump a bit (from $95 to $155)

If you’d be willing to trade both Toe and Bowie, the piece would be finished of Pillow and then you can browse around my other folders (primary and misc off limits, you’re good to look at my fursuit designs in my primary folder)

I’m a lot more attached to toe than I realised :,DD would you take just Bowie if I made some extra art of him ? Or just art of any other characters you have ^^

My last ask before giving you a decision, my partner loves Toe and would be willing to add in $20 on top of Pillow!

If still a no, then just Bowie is fine and then as far as adding artwork, you can draw either Satan or Finch from my Primary folder. 🤍🤍🤍

The offer is so tempting but I don’t think I’m quite ready to part with Toe yet. I can add you to a ping list so you can be the first to know if I decide to sell him !

I can do two headshots so I can draw both Satan and Finch as well as Bowie ! 

All good! And yes please, we’d love to be pinged for Toe, thank you!!

And okay!

I’ll mark Pillow as pending then! I’ll let my partner know as well so he can finish up that full too 🤍

Thank you so very much!

6 Replies

Anyone in my mains? 

Would you consider Lucky?