Will's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Dogbro Global Rules

hey! i don’t really have many rules for my designs. once you own them they’re yours to do as you please with, you may edit the art/design, as long as i’m credited as the original artist and you keep a clean copy in their toyhouse.

if you have a design by me you’re not sure the worth of, you can base it around my custom prices. i have no issue with you selling/giving a price/worth to a design with no technical monetary worth. (this doesn’t mean change up the worth of a character though, don’t do that)

users blacklisted from owning designs by me; (even tho it’s kinda impossible to avoid sometimes) these all have reasons lol trust me

@/hornedemon/pussyslayer500/B00BL0V3R/reininq/dovespaw/mewscoven    any of her supporters/friends are also blacklisted 



