

Salmonling/Sharkling 20 yrs He/Him

"Just kid out on the streets and picking fights with people who want to mess with me but...No one deserves to be mistreated. I fight for the people I love and care about. No matter what."

He is the son of the infamous hitman Neru. Soru is Neru's only child but despite being a hitman he goes and takes good care of his child and raises him all by himself. He had raised him until he was the age to look after himself, Soru started going out on the streets. Usually he was messed around with the other street gangs and eventually getting to fight Niles. He often liked becoming stronger by fighting and he thought it would be a good way for self defence but also fighting for the ones he loves. He usually shows and displays a lot of affection towards his dad being that he is the only family he has and is always opened to him and his experience on the streets, he has a strong bond with his dad and he loves his dad more than anything. Although he has anxiety due to being attached to his dad causing stress for him but he often relies on trust to not worry so much about his dad but also has these feelings overtime towards others as well, he copes his stress by fighting or making connections with friends. Even if he may come weak he is strong! But he is also soft and caring when you become closer with him often likes to show affections through actions rather than words but he likes to express his feelings of love towards someone. When Neru became a couple with Kasper and moved into his place, he had a son. The son's started to open up to each other and became step brothers with a real close bond with one and another, always giving love to his family and friends either way but he still continued to become stronger for their sake but Soru is a happy child and is happy for their sake.


Full name Soruka Albedo
Name Soru
Age 20
Gender He/Him
Orientation Homosexual
Species Salmonling/Sharkling
Height 5'3 ft
Occupation content
Weapon content

  • Family(Dads)
  • "Zio! Zio! Big brother!~"
  • Friends
  • Fighting
  • Games

  • Violence/bullies
  • Niles
  • content


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Design Notes

  • Donec sagittis erat vel.
  • Ut lobortis ornare fermentum.
  • Vivamus eros magna, euismod quis augue non, tempor ultricies massa.


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