Takumi Asahara (In-Depth Profile)




Takumi Asahara



April 23 ; Taurus



AuDHD ; MBTI ; Ennatype


128 lbs

Ultimate Tattoo Artist




  • Black coffee and coffee shops
  • Collecting decorative pins
  • The horror genre
  • Doing makeup

  • Crowded spaces
  • Stuck up people
  • Having to explain themself over and over again
  • Being ignored when bringing up ideas

  • They grew up being the top in their class throughout their earlier school days ; eventually started doing homeschooling instead due to surpassing all the other students in intellect and finding actual school to be a huge waste of time
  • They don't really have a main goal in mind, they're just making art and getting by through life.
  • Aside from tattooing, they also love to draw, paint, and occasionally sculpt as well ; Their favorite medium is ink on paper with splashes of watercolor, and has a more horror-esc style of sorts
  • They sometimes think of themself as a little lore keeper, having learned HUNDREDS of people's life stories while tattooing, and has quite a few clients that they particularlly enjoy hearing the life tea from
  • A good handful of their tattoos were done by themself, having done them for practice, and most of them were also designed by them in general
  • They tend to carry a sketchpad around with them everywhere, just in case they get inspiration for a tattoo or something like that.










  • A major creative, can come up with ideas for just about anything on the spot
  • Extremely intuitive, can read situations pretty well and gathers information quickly
  • A great listener, will listen to just about anybody and help come up with solutions to any problems others may have
  • Suprisingly patient, except in regards to stuck up or idiotic people

  • They have extreme trust issues, so they tend to rely on themself for just about everything
  • Very blunt and rude, doesn't take other's emotions into consideration most of the time
  • Very standoffish and a lone wolf, much prefers being alone instead of working in groups to avoid other people and their problems
  • Claims they're a realist when in reality they're more of a pessimist, tending to look on the shitter sides of things than anything else

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It wasn’t long until they were reached out to by Hope’s Peak Academy, who had seen plenty of their work online and were outstanded by the sheer talent their work held. They brought him in as the Super High School Level Tattoo Artist, which promised more clients for him than ever before. Admittedly they weren’t too keen on the idea, seeing as they had never attended an actual school since they were much younger, but they decided to give it a go since it was an amazing opportunity and wanted to keep making the old man proud. Hope's Peak would soon allow for more friendships to blossom, though would also become a test on their ability to read people and find who they could and couldn’t trust.


Old Man gaurdian

The old man took Takumi in when they were 9, acting as both a gaurdian and an art mentor. He was the reason Takumi was able to learn all sorts of art mediums, including tattooing, and is extremely supportive of their work. Takumi is like a grandson to him, and he is grateful he is able to share his wealth and knowledge with them so they could flourish as an artist.

YUMA ex boyfriend


TBN ex friend


TBN ex friend



  • Short hair swooped to the side, undershave / sideshaves
  • Average height, skinny build
  • Eyeshadow and eyeliner, Piercings, Necklace, Decorative buttons
  • White v-neck tanktop, black leather jacket, ripped jeans

  • "Well, anyway, the name’s Takumi Asahara."
  • "Would you really put such blind trust in a stranger?"
  • "A bleak promise makes no sense."