Alis Crimson



2 years, 1 month ago


Alis Crimson



34 . He/Him

Alis is a vampire hunter with many years of experience. He takes many precautions to make sure that things don't go wrong, but sometimes his emotions get the better of him. While he is oftentimes calm and collected, he isn't sure how to leg go of being serious and often can be seen as a downner.


As stated before, Alis is a very serious and collected person. He takes many things seriously, even if they're not very deep. He isn't sure how to get out of this, but it's how he's survived in life. It also gives him an air of professionalism around him which he uses to his benefit in his services.


Bad Luck

Alis was born in a relatively average-sized city to Ifos and Tifniya Crimson with one younger sister, Lia. His sister was plagued with illness since she was young and he often spent time taking care of her when his parents were working. A new town doctor claimed that he was able to completely cure her of her illness, and Ifos and Tifniya took the chance to let him try. After the treatment, which the family didn't know what it was, Lia seemed to be completely cured. The family was overjoyed, but after some time it appeared that Lia was different than she was before her treatment. This was shown clearly when one night she attacked the two parents in the middle of the night, killing them both and drinking their blood.

Nowhere To Be Seen

The doctor had turned her into a vampire. That was clear. At this point, Alis was 17-years-old. He ran from the house and down to the police station to notify the authorities of what had happened. By the time the police arrived at their apartment, Lia was far gone. An investigation was initiated and the police went to the office in which the vampire doctor resided. He was nowhere to be seen, and the windows were boarded up. All of his belongings were gone and the medical records he logged were burned, the ashes of them in a trashcan.

Wish For Revenge

This event sowed the seed of hatred and the need for revenge in Alis. He wanted to see that vampire that took his sister from him and by extension his parents dead. He began to work odd jobs throughout his life to maintain income to pay for his family's apartment. Pitying Alis, the landlord lessened the rent. Still, he barely was able to afford it and often went without certain necessities. At the age of 22, he began work as a mercenary, finding different mercenary jobs and sometimes working as a courier. Eventually, he specified his jobs to be killing and finding vampires. He's worked as a vampire slayer for many years now, and his main goal is to find the man who turned his sister.



  • Radio dramas
  • Range weapons
  • Sweets
  • Realistic fiction
  • His work


  • Taxes
  • Vampires
  • Loud chewing
  • Beer
  • Snakes


  • Journaling, often about his work
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • FOOD Spotted dick pudding
  • ANIMAL Dormouse
  • COLOUR Yellow
  • GENRE Mystery
  • SEASON Autumn
  • TIME OF DAY Evening




Lent by Autoheart


Another Light by Red Vox

Another Light

Kitchen Fork by Jack Conte

Videosongs, Vol. 2

I'm Gonna Win by Rob Cantor

Not A Trampoline

Weight of the World by Shayfer James

Counterfeit Arcade


Character Name


Duis nisi dui, euismod non metus eget, tempor tincidunt dolor. Maecenas a hendrerit nibh. Sed et nibh non tellus consequat hendrerit in eu velit. Pellentesque bibendum diam vitae metus consequat consectetur. Donec id facilisis libero, sed euismod quam. Sed tristique id augue ut sagittis.

Character Name


Maecenas sollicitudin mauris quis dolor viverra suscipit. Proin erat sapien, gravida dignissim lobortis non, finibus hendrerit felis. Donec congue auctor enim. Ut a lectus tempor, maximus est id, molestie mauris. Pellentesque libero nisl, tincidunt vitae nunc sit amet, feugiat sollicitudin nibh.