campfire's Comments

someone outside sonas?

i can offer someone from my th? or do you accept holds or payment plans? i also can offer art

I didnt see anyone id use from ur th, sorry! I could a hold but it depends on how much time you need ><) and also your art is cute! How much would you be willing to offer?🌸

offer you mean arts or money?

I can offer $60 with hold until sunday. I'll probably pay sooner, but I'll take extra time just in case.

Or i can offer arts, probably 2 halfbody with deadline about a week. I can also draw humans and robots, you can check examples on twitter :)

Your art is gorgeous! But since money is my priority im def holding the character for you until sunday if youre still interested :D🌸

yep im so interested!! i text you when i can pay!

Great! Ill be waiting :3

2 Replies

hello i have my th! i might have to think about anyone in tentative, but youre free to link anybody 👾

heres some ocs i have on auth:

- 1

- 2

I didnt see anyone id use, sorry! Ty for offering though!🌸

They are so cool!

Feel free to check out my unsorted for trades! You can also look in mains, but I'm tent with them! Or I could do some art!

Thank you for your time!

I didnt see anyone id use, sorry! Ty for offer though!🌸 and your art is cute but its not quite the style im looking for ><]

Ah, alright!

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I didnt see anyone id use, sorry! Ty for offer though!🌸

Can I offer art? I can do two or three shaded full Bodies! I only do furries though 👺👺 <33 

These are my examples, I hope my style interests you !! <3

Your art is very lovely but im only looking for human/oid art atm, sorry!

I can do any amt of art that equals the dudes worth! I do human(oid)s I just don't have examples up on my carrd rn! For thos look at my art for this guy mostly !! He has my most recent human(oid) art :D

Your art is super cute! Ill def consider!🌸

EPICC lmk!