Eva Cousland



6 years, 4 months ago



Evangeline Cousland

AGE 19(DAO), 26(DAI)
RACE/GENDER Human Female
MORALITY Neutral Good
ROLE Warrior


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa. Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus. Aenean gravida eu nibh id tincidunt. Pellentesque lorem mauris, cursus sed ligula eget, cursus posuere risus. Phasellus vel enim volutpat, sagittis augue at, condimentum ex.


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From childhood and into adulthood, she has remained shy, however her chosen life-path has taught her how to socially navigate with minimal embarrassments. She is generally friendly, well-meaning, and generous in her interactions, but she may sometimes appear withdrawn, becoming overwhelmed with the sustained interaction in her day to day.


She is incredibly devoted to her faith, companions, and to bettering the lives of those she encounters in her travels. However, sometimes she devotes so much of her attention to others that she forgets to take care of herself.


Often, she questions herself and the decisions she makes. Without advice and wisdom from her friends, she would collapse under the weight of the choices she has had to make. She especially seeks counsel from Keldorn because he always provides such insightful guidance.


She is a visionary, striving to make the world a better place and to have a tangible impact on people's lives, even if it's on a small scale. She strives to see the best in people and society, even when the situation is bleak.



"I endeavor to see the best in people and the world at large, even if it is difficult at times... Lathander loves to test me, it seems. I find remembering what good I've encountered in the world helps me remain positive. Though, I also don't allow my optimism to blind me when I do encounter evil or those who would harm or deceive the innocent."


"The smell of musty, old books! To this day, I love that smell, even if it sounds ridiculously unappealing. (she laughs) I remember days when I was small, I would huddle into a corner in the library with my father and he would read me these ancient texts that I couldn't even begin to comprehend at that age. Still, the sound of his voice was a comfort, and I'd almost always fall asleep there in his arms... I miss him..."


"Of course, what a lovely sentiment! I believe Lathander, or perhaps Sune, has blessed me to be able to find such a thing in my lifetime. I only wish that there could be more love between me and my step-daughters. Someday, perhaps... In the meantime, I will continue to offer them my unconditional love, even if it is not returned."

Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person in some rough strokes.

“I do, although I pray not to come off as some love-stricken maiden. He is a man of great integrity and someone I respect deeply. He is quite charming... I believe his scars give him quite an, ah... ruggedly handsome appearance. (she clears her throat, a blush upon her cheek) He always seems to know what to say when I need it. I had never imagined I would find a man such as him, and I have been immensely blessed to share in such a cherished love."


"There wasn't much opportunity for such things at Candlekeep, with all of the old monks and Imoen as company. No offense to the lovely monks and my even lovelier sister... Anyway, I hadn't the chance to... participate in activities like romance or... or romance-related activities, and I wished to wait for the right person, you see. Presently... I am not, but this is a fairly recent development... a very private development so I'm going to stop talking about this now, if you don't mind."


"I would not call it annoying, but I am naturally rather soft-spoken. People often underestimate me because of this, which works in my favor so I do not particularly mind it."


"I suppose it would be choosing not to accept the blood of my regrettable blood-father, Lord of Murder. Now that the taint is gone, I feel that my life can truly begin. I miss my time spent at Candlekeep and the days of travelling with with all of my wonderful friends, but I'm also thankful for the renewed life I have now, travelling with my husband to serve the greater good. It's the life I've envisioned for myself since I was small and to have that finally come to fruition makes me so incredibly happy. Although, I hadn't imagined the being married part. That came as a pleasant surprise."


"My mastery of wild magic is by far my greatest accomplishment. Mayhap, mastery is not the most accurate term... Even a capable wizard such as myself cannot truly master such an infamously untamable force. I, however, wield it with an incredible amount of finesse. (her grin fades into a grimace) But Viconia will not allow me to live down the one time I casted magic missiles and, wild surges as unpredictable as ever, instead conjured a... concerning amount of magically imbued vicious squirrels. Luckily, they were so focused on mauling our enemies that we were able make a safe retreat. A similar occurrence included cows dropping out of the sky... No, I would rather not elaborate. These only occur a fraction of the time, however. On many occasions, wild surges have, in fact, saved our lives."


"Let me just say I wouldn't touch The Most Noble Order of the Bleeding Hearts with a ten foot pole. While their hypocrisy is amusing, the deeds of the religious zealots and blind 'do-gooders' that comprise that organization rival even Irenicus' exploits. Even the more interesting deities have their followers eating out of their palms like cattle, and I would prefer not to be associated with any of these groups."

Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?

"Always, I prefer to be overprepared if possible. My pack is filled with all sorts of supplies and tools for any occasion. Oft Keldorn tells me I don't really need all of these things crowding my pack, but what if one day I'm in dire need of a broken Netherese magnifying glass and I've left it behind?"

Where would you like to live? Why?

"Oh, I prefer to stay active and travel. Many beautiful locations I've travelled to, and there are so many more to discover. I cannot do the work of Lathander and aid my husband in spreading Torm's justice if I am sedentary."



Gorion [ foster-father ]

The man who raised Layla from infancy until his untimely death in her adulthood. Gorion carefully kept her divine heritage a secret, raising her as a normal little girl. He was a good father to Layla, attentive and loving, always encouraging her dream to become a priest. Layla was devastated after his death and, still, she misses him dearly. She avenged the death of her father by killing Sarevok, but gave him a second chance at life when given the opportunity, feeling Gorion may have shown compassion if he were in her place. She takes the lessons the old sage taught her wherever she goes and they have had a significant, lasting impact on her life philosophy.


Keldorn Firecam [ husband ]

He and Layla first bonded over their shared ideals, having both dedicated themselves to serving for the greater good and their gods. After his divorce, he sought out Layla for consoling conversation and friendly company. He supported her in turn, offering words of guidance and encouragement whenever she struggled, be it with the weight of her decisions or her tainted blood. They became close friends, often spending time together both on and off the battlefield. In time, Keldorn's heart mended, his dark mood giving way to sunny smiles and boundless joy, especially when he was in Layla's company. Soon, Layla was casting shy smiles his way, her heart fluttering in her chest whenever he was near. Keldorn was equally as enraptured, their fingers intertwining during quiet moments alone, escalating to chaste kisses upon her cheek. Imoen would often remark upon their doe-eyed gazes at one another, much to their embarrassment.

They became even closer still, culminating in a heartfelt kiss under the stars and Keldorn's earnest wish for her to find love in someone young and vibrant in his stead, for she deserved a full life with someone worthy of her attentions. With a heavy heart, Layla reluctantly conceded but was still unable to quash her feelings for him and to mend her broken heart. For months afterward, they remained on a painfully delicate precipice of friendship and something more. After they had been thrust into hell itself to reclaim Layla's stolen soul, Keldorn had a revelation. Cut off from the solace of his god and trapped in a treacherous, foreign hellscape, his first thought was not of Torm but of relief that he and Layla had not been parted, that whatever they may face it would be together. He came to realize that regardless of age, he deeply cared for her and he was unable to deny the bond they share. Such a bond that combined the roles of friend and partner, a true companion of the heart, should not be selfishly repressed. With these thoughts in-hand, he relented and told her of his feelings.

The complicated topics of age difference— how shall Layla feel that Keldorn will perish many years before her, leaving her a widow, or that people will wrongfully judge their relationship as one of financial benefit and not love— and family— how should they approach Keldorn's ex-wife and daughters about the engagement, how should Layla navigate being a step-mother to children who are closer in age to her than her husband is— were not to be ignored. Even with such complications intertwined in their relationship, their love flourished. They resolved to be open and honest, discussing the details of such matters with care as Layla went on to remain a mortal at the final hour, rejecting her divine heritage.

After the events at the Throne of Bhaal, they went on to be wed and adventure together, going wherever help is needed or where evil lies. Occasionally, they return to Athkatla, be it for official business or to visit family.


Leona & Vesper [ step-daughters ]

The daughters of Keldorn— Leona the eldest, Vesper the younger— now step-daughters to Layla. Instead of encroaching on their mother Maria’s role, Layla acts as a friend to them. Keldorn himself isn’t in good standing with his children, having been away serving the Order for most of their lives. They view him as a near stranger, although he is trying to make up for lost time. Neither of the girls care for Layla at all, going as far as disliking her and citing her as a catalyst for their mother’s infidelity and subsequent divorce from their father. Although hurt by the accusations, Layla doesn’t fault them for their incorrect assumptions, she merely corrects them and works to aid in mending the family relationship.


Imoen [ sister ]

Layla's childhood friend, raised with her at Candlekeep. Although they weren't aware they were related by Bhaal's blood in childhood, both still saw one another as a siblings. Imoen drew Layla out of her shell, convincing her to strive for and achieve things Layla herself lacked the confidence to do without her. Layla's sister has stayed by her side through the death of Gorion, her journey to rescue Baldur's Gate, and through her hardships in Athkatla. She is Layla's confidant and best friend, one of the few beacons of light in her life. Layla always strives to keep Imoen smiling, and if she is not, to support and comfort her.


Sarevok Anchev [ brother ]

He was given a second chance at life by Layla during the events in Saradush. He was very much her opposite, with a proclivity for chaos and violence. She struggled to get through to him, to convince him that, with his new life, he could reform and become a force of good in the world despite his past. At the end of it all, he chose the path of redemption, swayed by his conversations with Layla. Regardless, this change didn't stop him from being blunt and harsh in his interactions, which never fails to amuse his sister.


Jaheira [ friend ]

In Gorion's stead, Jaheira became Layla's parental figure. Jaheira is fiercely protective towards her and takes upon the role of a tough-loving mother. Like Imoen, she has traveled with Layla through her time at Baldur's Gate and Athkatla, and she remains a pillar in Layla's life. Jaheira, although defensive and callous on the topic of her late-husband, found some comfort in she and Layla's shared mourning.