Kiyomi 粋巳



2 years, 1 month ago






19 ⋯ Jan 17th






Where We Go
at any point, i could blow up or collapse...

An unfavored anomaly within the high fashion world, draped in diplomacy, his gaze is as sharp as his words are few. With dreams relinquished, he strides forward with a stoic grace, making wordless statements with striking motifs that adorn him. He represents snakes—coiled symbols of transformation that echo the silent narrative of his journey through the harsh frontier of the fashion industry. a dark star.
poised, apathetic, driven.

Likes: fashion, designing clothes, cake, spicy foods, books, video games.

WARNINGS: addiction, depression, bullying, violence, forced prostitution.


Hushed murmurs on set describe a new face on the scene—his name whispers promises of chic elegance and serpentine allure. His white hair cascades like moonlight, contrasting starkly against the depths of his black eyes, which held a silent reservoir of untold tales. Kiyomi, a new and mysterious man, slithers into the limelight.

Born under the shadowy cloak of poverty, Kiyomi’s family resembled a tragic drama. His mother clung to love like a moth to a flickering flame, oblivious to the charred remnants of her own happiness. She remained ensnared by a man who had a penchant for infidelity. The shadow cast upon their humble family was inescapable—erected by a gambling addict with a shattered business, Kiyomi’s father.

The white serpent wore his complacency like a cruel second skin. Resigned to the monotony of existence, Kiyomi carried no aspirations or ambitions. With no wealth, Kiyomi’s dirty and tattered clothes made him an easy target for bullies who reveled in his perceived shortcomings. Violence became a ritual—a desperate attempt to carve out space in a world that seemed determined to discard him. It’s no surprise that the young python turned towards an adolescence riddled with smoking, drinking, and delinquency.

Middle school's discovery of fashion magazines sparked a dormant interest, but it was the image of a particular model that ignited the blaze of ambition within him. Here, the motif of a white snake slithered into his consciousness, its symbolism transforming his aimless existence into a pursuit of chic elegance. A dream was born—not just to grace the covers but to mold the very fabric of fashion as a designer.

Kiyomi aspired to tread the catwalks as a creator, not just a canvas. Yet, once indifferent to his appearance, his beauty became a cursed burden. His peers echoed the damning chorus that his looks eclipsed any substance. His dreams to adorn models with his own creations were relinquished by the scorn of his peers, who envied his abilities.

Fate, however, had much harsher plans. The very hands that should have guided Kiyomi threw him to the wolves in pursuit of satiating greed. Kiyomi’s father, driven solely by his lust for wealth, directed him towards a sordid passage marred by malevolence. The path to fame mutated into a catwalk manipulated by sponsors who demanded more than just talent. In the eyes of the world, he became a symbol of exploitation—a beautiful serpent used for sinister ends.

Now entrenched in the cutthroat industry, Kiyomi emerged as an enigma—admired by many, liked by few. His aloof demeanor and icy indifference to colleagues earned him the cold shoulder, yet his popularity soared. The allure of his looks and the aura that surrounded him garnered a legion of fans, turning him into a symbol of both defiance and vulnerability.

A chance encounter with the origin of his dreams became the catalyst for Kiyomi's redemption, altering the course of his destiny. This encounter, like a sloughed-off skin, shed the burdens of exploitation and despair, offering Kiyomi a chance at rebirth. The white snake, once coiled with the wretched woes of his past, now heralded a transformation, exemplifying a journey from victim to victor.



Praesent ac sem id tortor cursus vehicula. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas cursus lectus sem, in tincidunt metus venenatis non. In venenatis mauris vel lectus sagittis mattis. Curabitur ullamcorper leo id dignissim aliquam. Integer non varius metus, ut interdum nisi. Suspendisse purus eros, eleifend a sem sit amet, sodales posuere arcu. Nulla facilisi. In cursus arcu vitae urna tempus ultricies. Suspendisse fermentum dolor vel turpis tempus, quis cursus mauris imperdiet. Pellentesque leo enim, venenatis sed sem sed, sollicitudin vulputate nulla.

Morbi eget lectus feugiat, dignissim turpis eget, mattis urna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam vehicula imperdiet massa. Aliquam efficitur eros eu condimentum aliquet. Vestibulum blandit, tortor quis blandit tristique, quam massa vehicula justo, quis cursus felis magna id urna. Sed rutrum nunc lectus, quis vehicula tellus facilisis quis. Duis tellus erat, iaculis at euismod a, eleifend ac nisl. Pellentesque consequat dolor sit amet eleifend vehicula. Donec vitae hendrerit ipsum. Fusce nisi purus, vehicula nec tincidunt sit amet, fringilla vitae ex. Sed dictum turpis eget nunc fringilla volutpat. Sed venenatis ac erat sit amet lacinia. Donec gravida ac purus vitae ullamcorper.

Dislikes: gambling, smoking, loan sharks, malicious gossip, bitter foods, thunder.