burb's Comments

Heya! would anyone here interest you? :0 https://toyhou.se/SpringSilver_/characters/folder:1999764
Could also offer art!

Anyone in any of these links?

Also, I'm happy to offer 40usd in addition to any of those (howltars allow BV resales regardless of how you got them!)

Anyone in my toyhouse or art/custom?


Offering up anyone in my TH (most tent with Barren however)


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Id love to offer Art, any amount/type as long as it's fair :)

I can offer ocs too but I'm tent on most!

hi!! i could offer art and some ocs! i have my samples here: https://sta.sh/21uhybm7yrrf?edit=1 i could do 4 squish chibis and 2 pixel busts or a different mix if anything caught your eye! for designs I have my trade/sell folder https://toyhou.se/yuleloggu/characters/folder:1873443 and my EO tag https://toyhou.se/yuleloggu/characters/folder:all/tags:1/tagged:EO !!

thank you for your time !

Does anyone from here interest you? I can also add art and I'm willing to trade several ocs. https://toyhou.se/fowlmangos/characters/folder:4990598

Would https://toyhou.se/26599417.the-silly interested you?

https://toyhou.se/Awarawarawa/characters/folder:4152883 anyone in here? Also feel free to check my unsorted

Also offering this guy. https://toyhou.se/19666973.eden

I can offer this howl!!

offer this little cute froggy ;3 

🔒Astronomy Watch on Toyhouse

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ello does anyone catch your eye in my TH?

do you see anyone in my th,, I love this fella so much,,

If you're taking USD offers, I can do $80 :)

Would u take money for em? If so, how much? Saw in the transfers that they were originally bought for $27 but wanted to check if they’d be worth more! :0

oh im sorry, i dont think im able to sell them as i got them in a trade >< the og purchase was prob from the previous owners !

OHH no worries!! :]

Any in my mains or secondaries folders? You can check Heaven tier too

I also have this!

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Would you mind if I drew them sometime?

yeah idm :3

Awesome :3