




Name: Shades Augustine

Age: 30s

Gender: Female

Species: Human




Recluse belongs to Earth-0801 and lives in the humid, unbelievably hot city of New Yorklanta. It's got traffic, smog and mind-melting summers, but it's home.

Recluse has been a superhero since she was a teenager and is burnt out. Her only real acquaintance is her universe's Doc Ock who is also tired of being a supervillain.  They play fight to keep the illusion up but neither are interested in actually hurting each other anymore. Are they friends...?

As her name suggests, Recluse is introverted and generally uninterested in joining a team or making allies.  While she's not keen on being a part of Miguel's Spider Society, she does find comfort in the fact that there's others out there like her. She's fond of a certain Doc Ock from Earth-TRN926.

Recluse is nonbinary but honestly doesn't care what pronouns people use for her. She tries to look as gender-neutral as possible when she's in costume to hide her identity, but dresses mostly femme as a civilian. 


  • Spider Physiology: After being bitten on the neck by a radioactive brown recluse spider, Shades developed superhuman abilities. The bite left a vampire-like mark on her neck, which she tries to keep hidden.
  • Spider-Sense: The back of Recluse's skull tingles whenever there's potential danger. 
  • Superhuman Abilities: Recluse has enhanced strength, speed, agility, flexibility, reflexes, healing factor and endurance.
  • Wall-Crawling: Recluse can stick to and crawl against most surfaces. 
  • Organic Webbing Generation: Recluse can organically produce silk webbing from her wrists. Along with normal thread, she can also create toxic webbing to poison and paralyze her opponents.  
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Recluse can regenerate her injuries faster and more extensively than a normal human. 
  • Poison Immunity: Recluse is immune to most venom.
  • Necrotic Venom: Recluse can secrete poisonous red venom that is able to cause fever, chills, dizziness, rashes, or lesions to form on her opponents. The venom sometimes drips from her neck and eyes when she is overly stressed or pushed to the limit.
  • Fangs: Recluse's canine teeth are slightly larger and more pointed than others. 


  • Marksmanship: Recluse is highly accurate when she launches her webs.
  • Illustration: Shades is a hobby artist and designed her own suit.


  • Music inspiration: MCR's "Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys", FOB's "Infinity on High"
  • Spotify playlist ❤️
