Discord the Coyote



Discord. He/Him. Gay. 

Discord the Coyote is an extremely loyal, but also clumsy mobian who used to work for Dr. Robotnik. At a young age, Discord had always struggled. He and the cat Darling have been together as long as he could remember - when he had met Darling, she had already been declawed by an unnamed and unknown person, causing his overprotective nature over her. This vulnerability was something taken advantage of by Dr. Robotnik, in a similar vein to Clove from Archie Sonic - the two were manipulated into working for them and carrying out his dirty work in exchange for safety and a stable life. They were given named and the jobs they were given started getting more and more extreme as time went on. Each one after the last they were given the promise of it being a small favor - that they could leave whenever they wanted. It was only after a while of working did Discord figure out that he had no plans to let either of them go. Unable to break Darling’s spirit, Discord put on a smile and kept the truth a secret from her. 
Their “final job”, as Robotnik sold it, included releasing a virus that brought out the infected most animalistic urges - effectively putting the entire town against each other and making it more easy to robotize them. It wasn’t long until Sonic and the rest of the Freedom Fighters showed up to put an end to it - Discord and Darling acting was twist villains. The fight didn’t last long, as Sonic and Tails quickly picked up on the fact that the Coyote was holding back and didn’t want to hurt them. To which he let them go soon after and joined their cause, attempting to talk down his sister to do the same.