Crozma ⁸⁰⁰ (Crozma [ orig. bio ])











CROZMA is a NECROZMA gijinka that roams ULTRA SPACE and ALOLA. She is around 5"1 in height and weighs about ???.
Her build is THIN, though she is able to fire powerful attacks with ease.
She see’s the world through RAINBOW EYES and styles her hair with JET BLACK colors that surround her PALE face.



AGGRESSIVE Likely to attack or confront when provoked.

BLOODTHIRSTY Showing a desire to kill and maim.

CRUEL Wilfull to cause pain and suffering to others, feeling no concern.

DECEITFUL Will mislead others to a negative path.

ELOQUENT Fluent in persuasive speaking or writing.

GOD-COMPLEX An unshkable belief of being holier-than-thou.

POSSESSIVE Demanding of someone’s total attention and/or love.

UNPREDICTABLE Never sticking to one pattern of activity.



 Crozma is technically agender, having no genitals or breasts to speak of though she has adopted she/her pronouns from the Ultra-Megalopolis citizens and has altered her appearance based on human female fashion. Should the need arise, she can very quickly change back to her Pokemon form.

• She does not need to eat. In fact, ingesting any form of human food can make her incrediblly sick. The one thing she does eat, however, are used lightbulbs. The taste of pre-light on them is satisfying to her, and helps deal with the cravings of wanting to capture light.

• Master Balls /Any Pokeball WILL NOT WORK on her unless heavily weakened first. In order to be caught, she must be passed out and unable to move. The few Pokemon that anger her the most are the Tapu’s, and Solgaleo/Lunala. She will attack upon sight no matter the circumstance and attempt to absorb their Light.

Crozma thrives on violence and blood, ready to fight at any time. She has no boundaries and will often forego any respect and fight humans over their Pokemon. She is unable to feel pain, and unable to be killed for good.

• Known as the ‘God of Ultra Space’, she has disowned Arceus as her creator and see’s herself as a God above Gods. She despises humans, Pokemon, and her fellow Legends, choosing to live her life secluded in the outreaches of Ultra Space.






Necrozma lives in Ultra Megalopolis, up high at the top of the tallest tower. The citizens either fear or praise her, and frequently bring her offerings. Crozma hardly travels away from the metropolis as there is no need for her to, though when four citizens seem to keep mysteriously disappearing, she becomes suspicious. One day she decides to follow them, keeping herself cloaked as she travels through the Ultra Wormhole behind Solgaleo/Lunala. Once through to the other side, Crozma is stunned to find a new world that is with her beloved Light. She returns to Ultra Space, biding her time to strike upon Alola.

  MY NAME falls from lips across many a UNIVERSE. The LIGHT TAKER, the ANGEL OF DEATH, they call me many things. Though my given name? ❞

  Her arm suddenly LIFTS, canon facing upwards as the chromatic energy building at the front rapidly expands and SHOOTS from the weapon at the other━ 




Dark clouds roll over the Alolan sky, signifying the arrival of the God. On the other side, the two humans trapped in Ultra Space at the top of Megatropolis tower are flung into Ultra Space, the Devourer of Light enraged and disgusted at such filth appearing on HER tower. Crozma tears open a huge rift in the sky with her talons, bringing the two humans back with a wave of her hand only to throw them through. Then, she follows after, arriving on the other side of the portal to face more DISGUSTING humans

She snaps her head round to Solgaleo/Lunala, hissing as the other charges for her. IT THINKS IT CAN DEFEAT ME? PATHETIC. Crozma swings her arm around and grasps onto the other’s head, cracking the skull beneath her grip before they both descend and the lower-god is piledriven into the brick. Greedily, she soaks up the Light from the other Pokemon, letting herself relax as she fuses and portals tear through space to summon the other Ultra Beasts. With the excess Light absorbed, Necrozma is finally strong enough to face off against the human. Though it is a ploy, as she absorbs Alola’s Light from the sky and disappears through another portal. 

Upon the other side Necrozma stalks her city, grinning maniacally at the terrified citizens. Even those that worshipped her before are hiding now, fearful of their vengeful God. But she doesn’t stay long as she ascends her tower; she knows a great power is coming and that she must meditate for the fight. The warmth of Alola’s Light within her glows through every vein in her body; she’s practically choking on how much power is inside her. It becomes so strong that her physical form alters, transforming into Ultra-Necrozma. 



Humiliated by her defeat upon the Ultra Megalopolis Tower, Necrozma is frustrated and angry; she has not only lost her Light, but her dignity as well. She throws herself into a blind rage, travelling through Ultra Space until she veers off and crashlands upon Mount Lanakila. Broken and battered, the God is nothing more than a bitter shell of who she was before. She tricks the protagonist into giving her their Light one last time, absorbing the power from their Z-Ring and then teleporting herself to Ten Carat Hill. For the time being, she must rest and repair in order to travel back to Ultra Megalopolis.

     SHE’S…not sure where she is now. One moment she had been floating in the damn void and the next she was face first down in the beach, oozing jet black from her wounds and snapped limbs. It hurts. It’s not as though its going to off her for good, but the fight’s taken a toll on her squishy human body, and she has no idea where she is. She’s failed her siblings, and can feel the weight of their judgement on her shoulders.

    ▼ “ H-Hah… ” ▲ 
Crozma wheezes, managing to prop herself up with her good arm; there’s no Light left in her body to mend her wounds. If she could just have a little