


2 years, 5 days ago


Corrupt Angel

Name Daimon
Age 22
Alias Anti Guardian
Gender Male
Sexuality Straight
Pronouns He / Him
Role Corrupt Angel
Race C-Angel/shapeshifter

Some words here
  • Write design notes for your character here!
  • Or maybe general warnings such as "No NFSW" or "Do not draw them in revealing clothing."
  • This box scrolls.
  • Morbi vel turpis at magna lobortis dapibus at vitae ante.
  • Integer interdum pharetra ligula, non dignissim dui fermentum varius.
Reference Here

This box scrolls! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Nullam non laoreet erat, at rhoncus tellus. Aenean sodales, ipsum nec tincidunt rhoncus, tellus nibh dignissim ante, at facilisis nisl nibh bibendum massa. Vivamus eget turpis massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam convallis eros non cursus hendrerit.

In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.

Maecenas at felis non justo egestas convallis. Fusce ornare lacus convallis ex laoreet, nec varius libero laoreet. Donec eget mauris ac justo accumsan fermentum. Vestibulum fermentum interdum libero id tempus. Donec auctor ipsum sed lacus blandit ornare.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

Some words here

Maecenas ac pretium quam. Mauris ullamcorper, sapien ac pellentesque egestas, sem urna blandit felis, et scelerisque metus lacus ac diam.

Phasellus tincidunt neque elit, quis facilisis odio molestie in. Nulla neque lectus, malesuada vel congue sit amet, tempor quis est. Quisque sit amet nisi nisi.


Nullam non laoreet erat, at rhoncus tellus. Aenean sodales, ipsum nec tincidunt rhoncus, tellus nibh dignissim ante, at facilisis nisl nibh bibendum massa. Donec placerat arcu a turpis commodo eleifend.

Aenean at odio velit. Morbi accumsan condimentum nunc, vitae semper justo luctus vitae.


Erebus name was giving to him by the oldest Guardians. They decided to name him after something strong and powerful, so they chose the name of a Vulcan. He was the oldest out of two brothers. His brother was a Guardian before he betrayed the laws of the Guardian code. Now he's demon wandering around trying to destroy the guardians and their legacy.

Guardians like Erebus doesn't get born with their horns. No. They earn their horns when the each their Guardian status after a lot of training and learning by elder Guardians who gives their knowledge to the younger ones. Erebus earned his horns rather slowly from the other children since he was a curious and very precise, so he wanted everything to be perfect so as asking a lot of questions. When he finally earned his horns. He got assigned his first human to protect. she was an elderly lady. He had to care for her until she passed away by a natural course. An easy task for a new Guardian. After the elderly lady her got assigned to a new human. A girl only 3 years old. Her family was rough, and her life was rough.

One rule from the Guardian code is. You can never interact with the human you are Guardian for. Meaning not in any form, neither your wolf, Angel or human form. Which accidently happens for Erebus while his on his guard. he stops her father from hitting her. pulling her with him out of the house. This is when the girl is 17. She speaks to him, he answers before thinking. that's when he knew he messed up and he had to hide this for the Guardian otherwise it would turn out very badly. he had seen it happen with his brother and done nothing. Sadly Erebus was falling in love with the girl. which was even worse....

Erebus has a Human, Wolf and Angel form all which is used for his protection and job as Guardian As a Guardian you have the power to be invisible for a short amount of time. can be trained so you are able to do it longer. But most Guardians can't be invisible more than 5 minutes. Erebus is among the few who can do it for longer. Mostly the Guardian uses their human form to walk among the humans than using their invisibility.


  • The Trivia Box does NOT scroll but rather, grows with content.
  • In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet.
  • Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et.
  • Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend.
  • Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.

Some words here
Aesthetic content
Alignment content
MBTI content
Sin content
Virtue content

Designer user here
Obtained content
Status content
Value $$$


One paragraph would look best but you can go wild!

The relationship box/section does NOT scroll but like before, there's instructions if you want it. The content itself doesn't scroll by default but I think it's better this way, especially if you plan to write a lot!


Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate. Elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet nulla facilisi. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh.

Varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet. Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui. Orci phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus!

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