
2 years, 1 month ago


Nickname: Tom

Name: Thomas Crison

Age: 53(looks younger)



Physical Strength: 5
Special Strength: 6(uses guns, knives, and other weapons a lot)
Defense: 4
Special Defense: 5
Intelligence: 7
Cooperation: 8
Agility: 6
Morality: 7.5

Tom works at the city hall and is the closest with the mayor. He is his bodyguard and just in general his assistant/right hand man.

He tries to surround his kind and caring personality with this tough and cold shell in order to be taken serious around others and saying how he doesn’t care about anyone and is only doing his job.(which is a lie he does care)

He has actually developed feelings for the mayor and tries to ignore them by saying they are “normal” or “fake”. He really does care for the mayor and tries to be near his side for as long as he can. He’s scared that if he messes up even the smallest stuff the mayor will hate him and disrespect him.

Has Aquaphobia(the phobia of drowning)due to his father getting dragged to drown in the bottom of a lake by an alligator at the age 6 and never got in a pool or water after that so he forgot how to swim.

Even though he is kind and caring his negatives are that he can get jealous easily and almost constantly tired, sad, stressed, and quite sensitive.

Also has a fear of knives. He isn’t scared of them when using them to fight but gets easily scared of getting threatened with one.