


6 years, 6 months ago



??? female 4'7"

 Watch out for fairy rings. Stuff gets wild there.

feb. 4  feeb pisces




assertive · ESTJ · cynical
At first glance, you would probably categorise her as a nerd. She doesn't speak much and by choice observes until asked to talk. When Phoebe does open her mouth, oftentimes she is not understood. Her way of speech is occasionally confusing as she picks out little details or asks questions about topics unrelated to the conversation at hand. She is a tad blunt as well, getting straight to the point when a confrontation is involved. Most often than not she is a bit rude at first to strangers.

Although quirky, Phoebe has an impeccable sense for organisation and has a bit of OCD when it comes to sorting out objects. She feels better knowing where things and even people she's friends with are. When things are in disarray Phoebe tends to get a bit frazzled and huffy with everyone in the vicinity that deigns to interact with her.

Dedication and loyalty are a big thing to her as well. She may not contribute much to a relationship in terms of material gain like gifts and et cetera, but Phoebe is definitely a shoulder to depend on once you prove yourself to her. Her barriers are set high, and her confidence allows her to only accept people she deigns appropriate to affiliate with. She's very skeptical about ideas of true love and friendship, though.


"I enjoy their creations, not their company."
Not much of her past is known, aside from the fact that she was a changeling as a child and exchanged for a boy. Phoebe knows her real mother, but their relationship is strained due to the fact that she was SWAPPED and felt unwanted for years. Just like a member of the Seelie court, Phoebe still inherited traits of detached coldness towards acquaintances and especially humans, although raised by them. Her human parents are long dead, and thanks to that, she is condescending to most. Short lifespans make them pitiable to her.

Her true age is unknown, but her apparent age is late teens/early twenties.


(  -  )

chaotic events
If things aren't being run nicely & neatly, she's out.
black coffee
Bitter, bitter, bitter.
most humans
They're a little...filthy so far in her opinion.

(  +  )

Nintendo games
Call her a loser all you want, she treasures her 3DS.
star motifs
Her favorite shape is a star.
raspberry sorbet
Pixies of her type tend to have a sweet tooth...


[full name]
Phoebe (?)
[birthday]February 4th
[species]Heather Pixie
[height]4'7" / 139.7 cm
[language]English, Fae
[location]Colorado Springs
[occupation]Librarian (Volunteer)



He's grown on her after constantly offering food to gain her friendship. His bright smiles are too blinding, so she enjoys teasing him by being mean.
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profile coding by bonsai