[CUT THROAT]'s Comments

Hi just came to ask if there is any chance at me ever getting him back? ^^ I've really missed him for a while now and was curious if you're taking offers!

ohh!! if you ever take offers could you ping me? he's been a dreamie for as long as i can remember, it's fine if not!

Hi! If you ever take offers may I be pinged pls?


Hi! I was wondering if youโ€™re taking offers on them atm? ๐Ÿ›

Not at the moment!ย 

Hi! I was wondering if you were taking offers at all? ๐Ÿ› I tried looking for somewhere that specified but didn't find anything ahhh

if so, what would you be looking for?ย 

SORRY FOR THE LATE RESPONSE i have been busy but im currently not taking offers on him!!

HELP NO IT'S REALLY OKAY ohh okok ๐Ÿ› ty for letting me know