Astro's Comments

errr see anyone in my general/ufo folder?? if not i can do likkeee 5 fulls and a wiggle gif icon ^^ art examples r on kornwhisker

HI i thinj i liked and the mozt  ! waz cool but im not  too sure  :’) ur ocz are so cool btw!

i could do malden...and if you want me to add anything too i def could ^_^ AND TYSM!!!!

ill conzider malden !! ill try and get back to ya sometime im juzt a lil tent cuz of how long ive had aztro 💔💔💔

thats totes fine!!! take all the time you need ^_^

im really sorry but i took another offer ! ;; but if you ever see interezt in any other ocz of mine for malden lmk :D ty for ur time!

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sniffs hello

i can offer ocs from here or nooodle

or art!!

i liked the mozt but im not sure if id trade aztro for em :,0

ah they’re off limz anyways sorry i forgot to mention

using them for the howl event so i can’t trade