Ryouta Kazanashi



2 years, 1 month ago


Info Panel
Basic info _
Name Ryouta Kazanashi
Race/species Human
Gender Male, he/they
Birthday March 21st
Occupation Student
Orientation Asexual Biromantic
About _

Ryouta Kazanashi is an 18 year old student attending Kuroyami High School. The school is mostly known for it's lack of acknowledgement towards the bullying and mental health of the students that attend it, though due to the costs to go there being low, as well as it's high acceptance rate, it's usually viewed as a last resort for anyone who is unable to attend other schools for any reason.

Ryouta is the president of the school's Occult Club. While it was mostly his friend Matsuko's idea, she saw how passionate he was about the subject and insisted that he became the club president instead of her.


Above all else, Ryou loves ghosts.

However, he also likes other supernatural and paranormal entities, as well as the occult as a whole.


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Story _

Ryouta, for most of his life, lived with his parents, Hiroshi and Satoko. They rasied him with love and care like any loving parent should, and supported his interests. He was interested in ghosts at a young age, due to how they came across as secretive and mysterious.

School, on the other hand, was a mixed bag. While he did decently, he tended to be distant when it came to talking to other people due to his shyness. This, combined with his interest in ghosts, caused him to be viewed as "weird" by other classmates.

However, when he was fifteen, his father went missing, before being found dead almost a day later. The circumstances surrounding his murder were unknown, and the killer had yet to be found. The resulting situation drove Ryouta to stay in his room for an unprecidented amount of time, though eventually, he started to come back to school.

Today, Ryouta still lives with his mother and attends Kuroyami High, due to the low cost. Satoko is unaware of the school's reputation, and doesn't realise how badly it's affecting his mental state... though that might be because he's gotten better at hiding his emotions now.

However, it's not all bad: Ryouta does have Matsuko, who's become his closest friend, and he's currently the Occult Club's president. Sure, most of the club doesn't really do anything other than read, but it's better than nothing.


Ryouta has the ability to see nearby ghosts. (wip)

Trivia _
  • His mother works part-time as a cook. She taught Ryouta how to cook as well.
    • That said, he's not exactly an expert. He just knows how to follow recipies and make basic meals.
  • He's hypoempathic, meaning it's hard for him to feel emotions of others. That said, he does try his best to be nice and sympathetic.
    • Yes, he does in fact believe he isn't human because of this.
  • Other than cooking, Ryouta's good at sewing as well.
  • Ryouta's grades are... fairly average. He's not a straight A student, but his grades are decent enough.
Design _
Hair Dark, short, messy.
Eyes Silvery-grey
Skin Pale, almost paper-white
Stature Very short
Design notes
  • Ryouta's hair usually covers his right eye.
  • Ryouta almost always wears black, though he does tend to wear other clothes as well. Mostly dark colours or grey-ish colours.
  • Almost always wears an amethyst point necklace. Matsuko gave it to him sometime after the Occult Club formed
Relationships _
Matsuko Matsuhime Classmate, Friend

Ryouta's first real friend in Kuroyami High School. She's enthusiastic and doesn't care what anyone thinks about her. While it was her idea to start the Occult Club, she pushed Ryouta into taking the Club President role, as she felt like he deserved it more than she did.


Hamuko Shiroaki Classmate, Friend

Another friend of Ryouta. Hamuko is optimistic and cheerful. (wip)


Character Name (relationship)

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