Elizabeth Fisherton



2 years, 1 month ago


Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyways" - John Wayne
Name Elizabeth Fisherton
Alias The Cinder Rider
Gender Female
Sexuality Straight
Age 25
Occupation Bounty Hunter
Species Human
Alignment Lawful neutral

Elizabeth grew up in a gang as the gang's adoptive kid. She was always treated as an outcast due to being a girl, always made to feel like a burden to everyone around her. When she found out that she was brought into the gang due to her father's gambling, she fled. The gang chased after her as she was their payment from her father for his loss at a poker game. Elizabeth ran into the nearby town, Valentine, and hid while the gang searched for her. Once they left the town, Elizabeth stole a horse and fled the town herself. The gang soon caught her to her and shot her horse. She was rescued by a rival gang that was in the area. From there, Elizabeth was taught how to read, write, defend herself, and how to survive. The gang helped her get back onto her feet and she continued to give them information of heists that they could pull off.


Elizabeth went into Saint Denis one day to top up on her supplies when she was suddenly arrested for murder. She was taken to prison at Sisika Penitentiary where she was put to work maintaining the property. She was one day summoned for work duty with a small handful of other women from her wing and they all piled into the prison cart. On their way to the work detail, they were stopped by a small group. The prisoners were freed from the cart and one of the men requested she stayed with those that freed her. The man took her to his employer, a lady whose husband had been murdered. The man that the police believed she had murdered. She helped to avenge her husband as payment for her freedom. Once she had repaid her debt to the woman, she set out to become a bounty hunter that would help keep the police off the gang that had helped her in her youth. After a few years of working as a bounty hunter, a friend that she had met through her ex-employer had an idea to start a trading company. Elizabeth agreed to helping the man by bringing him supplies that she found on her travels. This would lead her into the moonshining business and helping yet another person with their revenge. Elizabeth enjoyed this work the most as it was right up her alley. She took to setting the nearby moonshining shacks of her competitors ablaze, earning her the nickname of "The Cinder Rider". This carried over into her bounty hunting work. Anyone who refused to come with her willingly were brought in dead to the sheriff. Elizabeth was called in for the higher risk bounties, ones that were extremely dangerous, however she refused to take any that involved her old gang, stating that she "ran away" and didn't want them to see she was still alive. She would always leave out that she was still in contact with them.


Elizabeth is a woman of few words. Even when she was in gang, she was quiet, preferring the company of the horses. She would often be found brushing the horses or sneaking them treats when no one was looking. When asked, she would always reply that when she was with the first gang, the horses were the only ones that didn't treat her differently and would listen to her. The gang leader took pity and gave her a horse that he had caught, a gray Kentucky Saddler that she named Trigger. Trigger was the reason she was so stubborn, as he kept throwing her off his back and she refused to give up on him. Trigger eventually became comfortable with Elizabeth. She trained him to return to the gang from where ever the pair was. This was how she was reunited with her loyal horse after she had been arrested.

Having needed a faster horse for bounty hunting, Elizabeth bought another Kentucky Saddler she named Justice. Justice was as loyal as Trigger, and although the two seemed to dislike each other when tied up next to each other at camp, the two horses eventually began to tolerate each other. That was enough for Elizabeth to be happy, having been tired of being woken up by Trigger trying to kick Justice away from him and Justice doing the same. Justice was happy to be on her own by the camp, usually found having escaped her halter and eating the nearby grass.

  • Being near horses
  • Reading
  • Hunting
  • Cleaning
  • Riding in the back of a horse carriage
  • Being touched

Elizabeth was born into a family with two older brothers and one older sister. Her mother died when Elizabeth was very young from complications due to childbirth that weren't discovered until years later. Elizabeth's siblings always blamed her for their mother's death and would ignore her. Elizabeth learned to do everything by herself since her siblings ignored her and her father was always too busy gambling away their money. When Elizabeth was old enough to understand what was happening with her father, she began to push him to go out and work instead of gambling and using his winnings for alcohol. After years of pestering, Elizabeth was taken by men that she recognized as people her father often played poker with.

Elizabeth swore that her entire family would never hear from her again after her father turned his back on her, leaving her to plead and cry as she was dragged away from her family home. She was given clothes that were too big for her and put to work doing the jobs no one at the camp wanted to do such as cleaning the animals, cleaning, cooking, etc. Elizabeth never said anything against the gang as they would just add more chores onto her list and expect them to be done before she went to bed every night.


When Elizabeth was 14, she fled the gang, stealing one of the horses and fled into Valentine, a nearby town. She let the horse go and found somewhere to hide until they left. Once the gang realized she was gone, they went after her, but couldn't find her despite finding the horse. Once they were gone, Elizabeth left her hiding place and bumped into the leader of a rival gang. The gang leader took her in and taught her everything he knew about survival and taught her how to defend herself. The leader's right-hand man taught her how to read and write, something both her father and her old captures didn't do.

When Elizabeth was old enough, she began to travel on the horse that the gang leader gave her. Having been quiet and a new face to the town, it didn't take long for a recent murder to be blamed on her. She was arrested and sent to Sisika Penitentiary where she was freed and repaid her freedom by avenging the employer's husband. She became a bounty hunter and would keep the police off the backs of the old gang she ran with, occassionally running into them in her travels and spending a night or two with them to catch up. While she always remained loyal to that gang, she enjoyed her freedom.


Elizabeth wears her hair down when she is not on horseback or at special events such as parties. When she is on horseback, she wears her hair in a messy plaited braid. Her eyes are bright green and she wears very minimal makeup, wearing very little lipstick and eyeliner. She has small golden earrings and wears matching rings that go along with her jewelery.

  • Small golden earrings
  • Each ring she has taken from those who have wronged her. One has a silver skull and the others all have small gems in them
  • Wears a small golden necklace that she keeps under her shirt that has the pendant of a wild horse

  • Firing from a long distance
  • Carving images into wood
  • Being able to tame a horse
  • Lying
  • Elizabeth learned how to carve images into wood from bordom while with the first gang
  • When she wasn't being tasked with chores, she was being used as a decoy for the gang while they did their robberies
  • Elizabeth would be able to tame any horse by being near the captured horse until they became comfortable
  • She learned how to fire from a distance from the second gang



The first horse that Elizabeth bought for herself for her work.



The first horse that Elizabeth was given until she got on her feet.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.