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13 May 2022, 6:42:54 am



Lildogge so sorry for the ping! i just wanted to ask if it would be ok if i colored this sketch in myself? i adore your style and would still of course have you credited, i just would love to finish it! its completely ok if not!!

Hey! I'm really glad you like it, yk if you want I can complete the drawing free of charge! Like fully shaded and coloured ^^

oh my gosh that's so kind of you to offer!! id love to at least tip you if you are willing to do so! do you accept paypal?

Of course! It's no problem, and I'm extremely grateful for the offer but it's completely alright! I will get the drawing started later and let you know when it's done ^^

got it, thank you so much!! im so excited to see it!! <3

hello!! i was sorting vinnies images and just remembered asking you about this piece, so i was wondering if you still planned on finishing it? i completely understand if you no longer wish to! i just wanted to ask as if you no longer want to complete im still willing to do it myself with your permission, i just wanted to ask one more time incase you happened to still be working on it! let me know whatever you're ok with ^^

Hi! Sorry I know this was absolutely ages ago and you've already Coloured it which is perfectly fine. I just wanted to clear up the reason for me now responding, I just don't particularly like associating myself with any of the art/gift art I did for amino anymore, I was planning to do the colour on that image but a bunch of drama blew up in my face about the whole gift art stuff because some people didn't understand that I wasn't drawing everyone and yeah. Just got out of hand. So really sorry, and the draw came out amazing just sorry I couldn't get it done myself ^^"

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