


2 years, 1 month ago


Leopardpad | She/Her | Lesbian | Seaclan 

Appearance :

Untitled532_20220503115921.pngbase by Rockyspotted on da

Mate - Sparrowstrike | Mountainclan | owned by Alicia_S

Friends - Ashensong | Seaclan | owned by manicmushrooms

Mother - Dappleclaw (deceased) | Seaclan 

Father - Hawkripple (deceased) | Seaclan

History - Ashensong had an affair with Hawkripple and Dappleclaw, after Hawkripple got her pregnant. she had her litter around the time as Dappleclaw, however both her kits died from greencough at less than a moon old.

 Ashensong was distraught by this and told Hawkripple he should come back to her and stay with her forever. Hawkripple refused, stating that he loved Dappleclaw too much and what him and Ashen had between them was never going to work anyways. Ashensong got mad, and got rid of Dappleclaw herself (aka murdered her).

Hawkripple was furious at Ashensong, telling her he could never be mates with a murderer and threatened to tell the clan. Obviously that was the response Ashensong wasn't expecting and scared for her clan life she murdered Hawkripple too, leaving Leopardpad with no parents.

She took Leopardpad under her paw and acted as a mother to her, still very close friends with her despite her being so much older and Leopardpad so much younger.

As an apprentice, Leopardpad didn't stand out. She wasn't incredibly skilled, she wasn't lacking skills, she was just an average apprentice, minus her over confidence and cocky personality. She failed her first warriors assesment due to trying too hard to show off.