


6 years, 6 months ago


//wheezes// just dumping an old OC from a dead volleyball group here lol //sweats//

"Don't worry, I can handle this!"

✪ P r o f i l e :

Name: Chiaki, Ise
Highschool/Team: Tsuki Tomu
Age: 17
D.O.B: September 7th (Virgo)
Blood Type: Type A
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6"
Year: Second Year

✪ S t a t s :

Position: Tsuki Tomu Libero
Number: #4
Specializes: Defense
Power: ★★★☆☆
Jumping: ★★☆☆☆
Stamina: ★★★★★
Game Sense: ★★★☆☆
Technique: ★☆☆☆☆
Speed: ★★★★★
------------Total: (19/30)

Chiaki's play style is still a little rough on the edges. He has his speed and stamina, but his techniques needs work on. Especially since he tends to save the ball more with his face than his arms, as well as crashing into poles sometimes. But he got less injuries and scratches than he did in middle school, so that is a huge improvement.

✪ P e r s o n a l i t y :

Pure | Introverted | Misunderstood | Awkward | Reliable | Diligent | Worrier | Passive | Modest | Reserved | Sensitive | Clumsy | Crybaby | Passionate
Having an intimidating face from birth hadn't been easy for Chiaki. He was often misunderstood for a delinquent because of his narrow eyes (which seemed to have a dark shadow casted over them for some reason), creepy 'smile' or more like natural frown on his face. It doesn't help that he tend to get into small accidentals, earning him scratches/cuts or bruises here and there. Most people assume he got all those wounds from fist fights - like the typical delinquent. However, despite what he seems, Chiaki is one awkward and passive guy that cried easily. Instead of being the one to kick-ass or protect his friends, it was usually the other way around (normally his best friend) Azusa). Fortunately most of the time, people stayed away from from Chiaki (and his little sister) after seeing his face, so he doesn't have to do much, nor does he have to worry about getting bullied. Although he is use to people being afraid of him - or his face - it doesn't make him any happier or indifferent. In fact, he feels a little sad every time someone scamper away or talk about how terrifying his face is whenever he's within earshot. Except, he doesn't do anything about, because he doesn't know how or what to do to make these assumptions go away. It tend to get worse whenever he tried in the past, so he gave up on the idea and tried to ignore them. Regardless of how passive and soft-spoken he was normally, during sport games, Chiaki would drop his shy side to play more seriously and diligently while aiding the team with his skills.

✪ L i k e s / D i s l i k e s :

☑ Cooking and making things (small plushies, keychains, etc)
☑ Chick flick movies
☑ Collecting colorful bandages
☑ Classical music
☑ Bunnies

☒ Bees
☒ Being misunderstood
☒ How scary his face looks
☒ His passivity and cowardliness
☒ Cold weathers

✪ H i s t o r y :

At a very young age, Chiaki had learned to become independent, because he only lived with his single mother. His mom would usually be out working at the bar while he stayed at home to cook, clean, do homework or anything by himself. The house would often be empty, and he would get lonely or bored a lot. So whenever he finished his homework and chores early, Chiaki would leave (and lock) the house, before going to the park nearby. He would go there to play alone, and to get some fresh air. The park in their neighbor was a special one since it was near the beach as well - it had a small beach volleyball court. There was always a small group of older kids who played there and Chiaki would often watch from the swing set or bench. For some reason, watching them play always left him breathless, and he would want to try it, but was too shy to ask. There was one of them in particular - he was everywhere on the court and saving the ball from touching the sand. Chiaki could remember himself thinking about how amazing that guy was, and that he wanted to be like him when he was older. Those older kids also used a real volleyball rather than a beach volleyball, but it was just his sheer luck, he got hit right smack in the face one day when he was too busy admiring the players. However, it might have been a good thing, since that led the older kids to come running over to apologize and ask if he was okay. It made his bloody nose worth it, because after that day, the kids and that 'amazing guy' started teaching and letting him play volleyball with them. Albeit, it still didn't seem to stop his face from being a volleyball magnet. He also met his best friend - who joined them later on - while getting taught how to play.

Middle school was the year Chiaki went to try out other things - such as band and other electives. Band he really liked, but he still hadn't given up his passion for volleyball. However, he did want to try out other sports first before deciding which one he'd stick to. Although in conclusion, he decided that other sports that dealt with balls (no pun intended) were a little too... dangerous for a guy who was accident prone like himself. The other balls were too hard when they hit his face. So volleyball was what he chose to sign up for in the end. It was quite a handful, but Chiaki managed to make time for family time, school work, club and practice when he joined the volleyball team. After he joined, it took him a long time to decide which position he was most suited for, with his speed and stamina. Ever since he was small, Chiaki had always wanted to become someone people can rely or depend on; and even if he wasn't courageous or brave enough to stand up to people on his own, he was still able to watch his teammates' back and help them when they needed it. So the position he thought fitted that role was the libero.

Chiaki chose to attend Tsuki Tomu for a few reasons. One, was because of its well known music program that he still wanted to continue with his flute. Aside from volleyball, his second passion was music. Second, was because he knew this school had a volleyball team he could apply for, even if it's wasn't as big as other schools. And if they were lacking members, hopefully an addition like himself might help a bit for the list. Last but not least, it was because Tsuki Tomu was the closest high school to where he lived, and his best friend was going to be attending the same school as well. Chiaki had practically little to no friends (no thanks to his scary face), aside from Azusa, so he was happy to have someone close with him in the same school. And little did Chiaki knew, he'd managed to convince Azusa to join the Tsuki Tomu volleyball team with him.

✪ R e l a t i o n s h i p s :

Amamiya, Asuza - Childhood best friend; 'Guardian' or 'Protector' of his booty; the Beauty to their "Barbarian Beauty and the Booty Beast" duo
Yoshi, Jirou - Chiaki's little sister Chiyo and Jirou's sister Juri are best friends, so Juri comes over often; and she seems to adore Chiaki since he makes her cute sheep themed things. However, Jirou on the other hand is awfully frightened of him (and his cooking knives?).
Inoue, Keiichi - Chiaki was only trying to help this young girl (who was screaming), but he ended up getting punched by Keiichi who thought Chiaki was sexuallyharassing his little sister. It turned out, Keiichi wasn't too bad of a guy once the misunderstanding was cleared... even if the boy left him a bruise to remember.

✪ A d d i t i o n a l :

✽ His voice claim: 0:27-1:09 AKA seiyuu Takahiro Sakurai
✽ He has two ear piercings on the left, and three on the right
✽ Plays the flute (for about three years)
✽ Carries a pink handkerchief (yes he sewed the bunny on it) with him wherever he goes
✽ His mother likes to make jewelry on her free time, so Chiaki has a small collection of accessories got from her. He mostly wears the simple anklet his mother made though
✽ He collects: colorful (new) band aids, cute buttons, and phone charms
✽ Chiaki is actually not bad at academics, even if he looks like a delinquent
✽ Got stung by a bee when he was kid (he thought he was gonna die), and is now terrified of them
✽ He wears an apron when he cook. Chiaki is like 100% waifu material //coughs violently//
✽ Chiaki actually owns a pair of glasses for his near-sighted vision, but he only wears it at home (when he needs to). At school and outdoors, he wears contacts.