
6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info







Name Meaning

"Rule of the Eagle" or just "Eagle"








4.9 ft at Shoulder, 6.7 ft at Head


310 lbs


10 ft

Uncommon Traits

False Ears




Miniature Pinscher: Sassy

Rare Traits


Nature Features

English Ivy, Mulberries


Abandoned Lot

Abandoned Lot Type

Abandoned Mansion




Esk are a Closed Species created by Witherlings on Deviantart


- Charming, poised, dignified, and elegant

- Helpful, friendly, protective, and caring

- Charismatic, humorous, and sarcastic, and a little arrogant

- Well-Educated, wise, analytical, and sometimes serious

- Curious, positive, upbeat, and somewhat shy

- Almost always alert of his surroundings, likes to know what's going on around him

- He doesn't spook or anger easily, and usually brushes things off

- Always kind at first to strangers, but suspicious and wary until he gets to know them well

- Friendly especially to animals that wander into the mansion or onto the grounds

- Enjoys telepathically communicating with others

- Enjoys exploring and attempting to make friends with animals and sometimes even people if he sees some

- Not wary of making friends since no one is going to want him for his money anymore, they'll just want to be his friend for his personality

- He is very light on his feet, almost silent when he moves

- He enjoys running around the abandoned mansion's backyard

- He can often be found in high places within the mansion and outside, enjoying climbing and jumping around

- Often holds his head high, likes to stand like a proud stag

- Also like a stag, he puffs out his chest sometimes when he's feeling particularly prideful

- When startled or excited or defensive, he will often rear up onto his hind legs like a horse

- His false ears often perk and swivel and move as if they were real ears: he likes to believe they help him hear better when really they don't do anything to help

- Despite his large size, he likes to curl up like a dog on any of the beds in the mansion. His favorite is the one is the one that he believes was once in what was the master bedroom

- Can often be heard making humming noises, sometimes even attempting to hum songs that he enjoyed in his human life

- Due to being a businessman in his past life, he often attempts to write in the dirt with his paws, which usually becomes random doodles

- Likes to nose open books from within the library and read them. Usually lays on the floor to do so but will sometimes sit on a chair if he picks up the book with telekinesis

- Always puts all of his efforts into things he sets his mind to accomplish

- Often found laying around daydreaming when he's not being alert. Usually is thinking about his human life and home and hoping his family is doing well.


Arnold Davenport.

Twenty-Eight. Male. Single. Heterosexual. Tan Skin. Dark Brown Hair. Brown Eyes. A Millionaire.

Aren was a twenty-eight-year-old handsome young man who was very rich and powerful. He was attractive and charming. The type of guy that most women would swoon over, and not just for his money. His family was rich due to the fact that generations back, they had won the lottery, and then started their own business that was now a corporation. He was born into the rich lifestyle and learned how to be graceful and poised, which only added to his charm. He had wonderful manners and was always nice and helpful to others around him. He also always dressed to impress. Coming from a very rich family, he didn’t have to work very hard to get to the top in the business his parents owned, but he did anyway. He was never one to do something half-baked, instead always putting all of his efforts into something he would put his mind to. He was always a hard worker, keen on getting money due to actual effort, not just because he had it. But still, he did have it, and having that much money was something that was easy to prey on in someone so young. His family was known for being rich, and therefore, their names and faces were everywhere. Easily recognizable. Harder to make real friends, that way. Friends came and went, none of them were true. Most just wanted him for his money, despite the fact that he had quite the friendly and charming personality as well.

He was a twenty-eight-year-old handsome young man who was rich and powerful. Some friends of his lured him to an abandoned manor under the pretense that they wanted to hang out. He was immediately suspicious of the address he was given, but went none the less, thinking he could trust his friends. However, his friends only wanted him for his money and intended on robbing him. His money was the only reason they had befriended him in the first place. He was a smart young man and felt it was truly a trap and unsafe when he realized the big old house was rundown and covered with all sorts of plants. Some wildlife even roamed in the overgrown front yard. He began to leave, but his so-called friends showed up ended up shooting him in the chest to stop him. Since they were arriving later than he had, they were at the gates. They were blocking his way out, so he instead ran into the abandoned manor and ended up bleeding out inside, unable to call for help since there was no phone service in the area. Before he bled out completely, he was transformed into an Esk. Despite his morbid end he accepts what he's become and protects the place so hopefully, something like what happened to him will not happen again. He goes by the name Aren because it starts with the same letters as his human name had (Arnold), and has the same meaning of Eagle. He always disliked his human name since it seemed like it fit an older man than himself, so he picked a younger, fresher sounding name.