Delma Aldamath



2 years, 1 month ago


Name: Delma Aldamath

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Height; 5'3"

Race: Triton

Class: Sorcerer

Sorcerous Origin: Draconic Bloodline ( White Dragon )

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Personality: Helpful, quick witted, Kind, Optimistic, thought not afraid to speak her mind and be blunt.

Backstory: Delma Aldamath is the first born in her family. The Aldamath Family has been serving the royal family for many generations. They were recognized as powerful sorcerers/sorceress but they've using their magic to help around the kingdom. They were summoned to the royal palace and the king at the current time. They offered to help their royal family to build a better kingdom. Since it seemed like they're willing to hearing before making judgment. Or not afraid to speak their mind or go against a noble. Ever since her family has been serving the royal family for seven generations. Making Delma eighth generation of the Aldamath family.

For serving the royal family for years, the aldamath family was given a shawl and it was imbued with magic. So the shawl always shines and the colors bright. Symbolizing a hope for a good future, and always being there to help the next future king or queen. Therefore there was a tradition made with her family. When the current Vizier has chosen their successor. The Prismatic Shawl would be passed down to the successor.  

At a young she shown her magical abilities in which her father was super hopeful for the future. Her father would always tell her stories of her families past and how they came to be. She was always fascinated with those stories and always wanted to grow up and continue the line. Till she was 6 years old, she found out the she was going to be a big sister. Which was the best news she heard, She always wanted a younger sibling. She could tell all the tales she learned from her dad. Maybe they could've trained with their dad to make their magic stronger. But for some reason there was complications with her sister's development and was born prematurely.

Though Delma never gave up on her sister and knew she would live. Her sister Talia actually did grew up despite being premature. Delma was always around her sister and loved her to bits. They both did have very big personality differences. Delma is full of energy and charismatic, and Talia was quiet and shy to be around others. Though Talia was always worried that she was born without magic because she was born prematurely. But Delma always believed that her sister does has magic. It just needed time to develop.

Delma did has a small rebellious phase when she wanted to travel outside of the kingdom. Just to see what was it like to be outside of it's walls. She always brought her sister along with her trips and they would get into trouble with their dad. At eighteen years old, she snuck out of the kingdom and Delma was excited to see the world. Though her sister was not since she heard from her father that pirates do tend to come near the kingdom. Just to kidnap tritons who fray from the safety of the kingdom. Selling them to whoever wants to buy them. Though believed it was a hoax because there hasn't been any attacks for many generations.

So when she popped out her head out of the waters.  She really wasn't expecting for anyone to be there. So she was caught by a surprise netting. She was struggling break free but the pirate were quick on their feet. They put her sleep and she fell asleep for an hour. Though what she did not know that her sister was in safe distance to get away. But it also awakened her magical abilities. She wanted to get back delma before she was captured out a magical explosion. Which scared off the pirates but Talia was pushed back. Fearing for the worst she did swim back to her father and the kingdom was on high alert thinking they were being attacked.

When Delma did wake up she was scared at first. But she woke up to pirate signing and she was in awe. It was catchy and had a nice beat to it. Something she's not used to and she loved it. It was to the point she started singing along with the pirates. They were singing the same song for a while and Delma memorized it. But they didn't realized that she was singing with them till they change the song. They did try to threaten her life if she tried anything. Though they found out that Delma is a little on the weirder side. Because she didn't not cry or begged to be freed. She asked if they can sign another song for her.

They never met a triton who wasn't afraid of them. More like wanted to know more about them and their life. She grew trust and friendship with the pirates and even told her stories about family. Though one of the pirates recognized one of the stories and asked what her named. Then fear filled the room as they realized that they didn't take just any triton. But they took Vizier's daughter, and knew they had to get her back home. Or else her father would hunt them down with their army. But Delma was sad that she had to go back home. After having so much fun with the pirates. When they got back to her home, her father was ready to attack the ships and take it down. But Delma was able to convince him not to do so. Since they didn't hurt her and brought her back home.

Though she was excited to hear that her sister's magic unlocked. When she went to see her she was so excited to tell her what happened. She didn't expect to blow up on her and have a breakdown. That's when Delma felt really bad for her sister. Never considered how she felt and the thought she could've died. So she sworn that would never do it again. Till her magic was stronger to defend herself. But the next day when they had magic training. Both her dad and Delma that when Talia used her magic. Something always either good or bad things. Her father has never heard of such magic happened in the bloodline. He felt like it was a bad omen and wanted to train Talia more to control her magical abilities. Delma was taught how to defend herself without the use of magic. So she was trained how to use a dagger, quarter staff and crossbow.

Her sister's magic never improved and it made her sister distant away from Delma. But Delma never stayed away from her sister. Noticing that in social situations, her sister doesn't want to be near others fearing she would hurt them. So Delma found out way to calm her sister or pull her out of those social situations. It wasn't a big surprise that when her father chosen his successor that it was going to be her. She wasn't upset and neither was her sister. She was worried about her sister's future. Without being able to control her magic well. She believes that maybe someone cursed her sister. Then she started researching in hoping she can find something.

Years later and Delma is now twenty two years old. She was talking to a family friend outside of the castle. They mentioned a name Delma didn't recognize. Grover Aldmath, apparently his name was erased from the family history. Because his magic was just like Talia's. So he left the family and ventured outside of the kingdom. Though she was recommended to go a school that was meant for magical studies. She considered it and when she asked her dad about Grover, her never heard of the name, and didn't mind the idea of her going to a magic school. So it was decided that she will go to the school to learn more about magic. As long she doesn't cause a lot of trouble for her family.  

This is where her current story ends till the campaign is over