
2 years, 4 months ago




Called Amaya

Gender Functionally Genderless

Pronouns She/her

Age Old

Race Eye of Ether

Role Library Dweller

Value $35

Theme Song Name

HTML Pinky


Amaya an Eye of Ether who has devoted her time solely to knowledge. Books are her life, and she can send days at a time reading. While her world is still alive and active, she has forgone it in the pursuit of knowledge. Simply archiving her World events never appealed to her, and while she doesn’t want her World to end, she would rather do other things.

She is not a shy person by any means either, however she just doesn’t bother with people most of the time. Its not a matter of hating interaction, she just feels that books are all she needs to be happy.


Height 5’ 8”

Build Slim

Eyes Orchid purple

Skin Tone Cool grey

Hair Color Violet/hot pink

Hair Style High ponytail w/curls

Demeanor Quick witted and sweet


  • Her Sigil is the blue heart on her left wrist, and it should not be covered.
  • She is almost never seen anywhere other than the Library.
  • She is actively afraid of heights, and almost never uses her wings.
  • Books are her life, and she almost always seen with a book in her hand.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Amaya is a very quick witted Eye of Ether, who doesn’t have time to mince words. She’s up front and honest at all times, and that can come across as cruel at times. There’s no ill will to her words however, and she’s purely telling people the truth- wether they want to hear it or not. Despite not being the biggest people person, she doesn’t shut them out of her life. Those who are close to her count themselves lucky to have such a good and honest friend.



Amaya lives for books! If you see her, you can bet a book will be in her hands.

Pretty Feathers

Though she isn’t an outdoor person, Amaya loves pretty feathers! She especially loves wearing them.


Knowledge is power! It doesn’t matter what it is in her eyes. If she didn’t know it before, she is happy to learn it!.


Though it’s rare to see her do so, Amaya does enjoy making things. Crafts or DIYs, anything that requires thought and attention.



Amaya values honesty- hence why her honesty is so brutal. If she senses deception, she is quick to dump the liar.


Any bugs is an instant NO for Amaya. Those creepy crawlies are just terrifying to her!


Despite having wings, Amaya can’t stand heights. She never could figure out how this phobia started though.


Frankly, Amaya just doesn’t take anything sugary very well. The feeling of a sugar rush is just too much for her.




Ears, Eyes, , Color of Wings, Sigil


Wings, Heart Eye


Skin, color of fur, tail



Extra Traits

Liquid Orbs, Liquid Halo



When Amaya was first born from the fountain, she knew her purpose in life. To devote herself to her World and write down the events that happened here. At first, she enjoyed it. Being meticulous and great at what she did; taking pride in the fact recording events for her World was something only she could do. Yet as she aged and recorded, she found herself growing bored of her mundane life. Simply watching and writing was growing more tedious by the day, and she slowly began to feel trapped. Unable to escape the cycle she had been born into.

It wasn’t a matter of disliking her World- oh heavens no. It was a matter of nothing ever happened that drove her crazy. Her World was peaceful and didn’t need her constant attention. Eventually, with the gentle persuasion of her good friend Holly, she decided to step back from her planet and spend more time in the Library. Hopeful that she would find something that could keep her occupied

The Library

It took her no time at all to find joy in the world of books that the Library provided. Delving into book after book, relishing in the fact that there was something that could keep her occupied and stimulated. She finally figured out what she was missing on her World; knowledge. Her World was too quiet and primitive. But the books helped quench her deep thirst for knowledge, and the other Eyes of the Library could share their World experiences with her as well.

The Present

Now days, it’s not uncommon to find Amaya sitting in the Library with her nose in a book. Reading has become her life, and there is little that she would rather do with her time. Whenever she isn’t reading, she does try to participate in the Great Library’s events to learn even more; such as why such a magical place holds events like it does. As well to ensure she still communicates with people.

She does still revisit her World from time to time; as she still has great love for the World she was made for. However, she knows it doesn’t need her constant attention at this point of time either. She has worked very hard to find a good balance between her hobby, and her World. She has at last found peace and balance in her life, and can truly say that she is happy with her life.






Best Friend

Holly has been Amaya’s best friend ever since they were both young, and she looks up to the jolly Eye whenever she is in need of guidance.




Osmera is a good friend to Amaya, and they get along pretty well. Though admittedly, Amaya isn’t a fan of how soft spoken they are, and she wishes the other would speak up a bit more.



Significant Other

Amaya met Styrmir one day due to a, silly, unfortunate incident. And since that day, she had strived to learn more about him, and about why being around him made her heart flutter. Now days, they’re rather inseparable, and Amaya would do anything for her partner.