Amarilla Joy Bleu



6 years, 5 months ago


Pinky's older half-sister and top acrobat at the family circus, she's a very dedicated performer with a love for magic tricks and sugary foods

While she seems like a very sweet and lax person to be with, she can be quite obnoxious and loud when she hangs around people she's very comfortable with. She doesn't meanĀ to be a jerk but the things she say sometimes are borderline offensive, but she doesn't pick up on social harmonies bc shes waaaay to scatterbrained and maybe a lil self-centered to notice...but that doesnt deter the life she brings into a party! She's always up for a get together of friends to celebrate things, big or small. You got a new job? party!! You found a quarter in the couch? PARTY!!! shiiiii you managed to get out of bed in the morning and take a shower? P. A. R. T. Y!!!!

She's also fond of cooking but her food doesn't ...look appetizing? Like its good it just doesnt look like food. One thing she is known for is her Tutti-Frutti-Touille. Essentially sliced fruits sitting in a pool of semi-crystallized honey. very very very VERY sweet. 9/10 dentists do not recommend.