Jynn Everglow



2 years, 1 month ago


 Name: Jynn Everglow

 Age: 34

 Gender: Cis Male (He/Him)

 Height: 6'3”

 Weight: 171 lbs

Starter: Gingko  

Division: Undecided- Jyn doesn't like jobs getting separated into certain groups especially when the leaders of those groups squabble like children, so he refuses to make an allegiance, simply offering his services for whatever need needs to be met.

 Job: Therapist
Jyn is a licensed therapist who specializes in herbal remedies, and thus is knowledgeable about both mental health and herb identification, growth and harvesting

  •  Can help other survivors through a plethora of mental and emotional hurdles, including but not limited to Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Dysphoria, Grief of Loss, ect 
  •  Is knowledgeable of plants and herbs and their medicinal properties, and knows how to identify, grow, harvest, and use effectively and safely
  •  Makes a mean cuppa (tea)

    [+] Patient
    [+] Level Headed
    [+] Polite

   [-] Self Sabotaging
    [-] Meticulous to a fault
    [-] Wrathful when finally pushed to breaking point

 Likes: Tea, decorative glass bottles, the smell of fresh cut grass, mid range temperatures, pleasant conversation

 Dislikes: Abusers of any sort, alcohol, coffee, extreme hot/cold temperatures, his hair being touched or messed with without permission

 History: Jynn was born somewhere in Jhoto. No one really knows where, and he certainly doesn't remember. All he knows is he was found by his current family at the age of around 2. Vincent and Blaire Everglow were traveling around the region when approached by a small frail man leading a toddler by the hand. The man begged the couple to take in the child as he could not care for him anymore. Before the couple could really respond yes or no, the man released the child's hand and darted off, never to be seen again. At first the Everglows weren't going to take the child in as they had been putting off having children to travel the world far from their own Galar, but as they worked with local authorities they started to become attached to the boy, and put in an offer to adopt. There was a lot of checks and paperwork involved but the couple kept in constant contact with him and caretakers in the meantime. In that time it was learned that the boy's name was Jynn, and the man who had brought him to the couple was not his father, but one of the many people the boy had been passed to. No one truly knew the boy's origins


 Once the boy turned 4ish as his actual birthday was never discovered, the adoption was made final and Jynn, whose name his parent's kept, moved to their home in Galar. He thrived there, becoming a very soft spoken and polite boy, for the most part. His parents noticed that if he got really angry he would lash out in a very angry and borderline violent way. Jynn himself could not explain it, it just felt that once the feeling got to a certain point it just all poured out at once and he couldn't stop it once it started. After a few failed attempts to fix it themselves, they finally set him up to see a therapist. After a bit of counseling, the therapist determined that Jynn had problems with bottling anger from when he was pushed place to place before the Everglows. While he didn't remember those times, they apparently changed how Jynn's brain handled emotions, anger in specific. Jynn went through therapy for pretty much all through middle school where he learned how to keep his anger in check...for the most part. There was still a line that could be crossed, and even though it was much farther away now, it still lingers.


 It was in highschool that Jynn chose to take two years to be a pokemon trainer instead of going to regular school. He started with a Snivy that he named Daisy, and with the help of other pokemon he caught and befriended got through 6 out of the 8 gym leaders before stepping down to finish senior year in an actual school. Between Daisy, his now Serperior, and his travels in the Galar region, he gained an affinity for tea and plants. When tasked to go to university, at first he was going to study horticulture, but found himself drifting towards a counseling degree instead, ending up with a Master's degree before setting himself up to be a licensed therapist. He still studied plants as well, and became well familiar with their mental health boosting properties and started to make his own tea blends for clients depending on their needs.


 A few more years passed, and Daisy ended up laying an egg who hatched into a cute little Snivy that got named Ginkgo. Jynn doted on the sweet lady, but then she started getting sick. After many emergency pokecenter visits, it was determined that poor Ginkgo had an autoimmune disease that at the time was incurable. Jynn would not take no for an answer, not willing to let the child of his closest companion just waste away and die, and there were whispers of an island that could potentially have a cure. That's how Jynn Everglow ended up on Nozoma with his now Snivy/Ralts fusion. While baffling, the lass is no longer showing signs of her illness, so at least it's a start 




    -Has a collection of wine at home. He hates alcohol but is fascinated by pretty bottles so he collects them but never opened them
    -Has a very particular night routine and is trying really hard to get a new one going now that he's stranded
    -Other than Opal, the gym trainers of Galar were all different then the ones depicted in Sword/Shield