



Borghild is one of the main villains of the story I share with Sinpie-nii and she's feared by everyone through the universe, even the most advanced kinds. We refer her as a woman but she doesn't have a definitive body or gender (she's an AI), she basically can have an androgynous, male or less humanoid appearance at will. And if her "physical" bodies get destroyed, she can transfer into another one.

Borghild lives and travels in her great fortress (a whole technological and dead planet) that she supplies with energy from stars or other celestial bodies. She owns an endless armada of machines and bots of all kinds,  controlling them at distance or programing them for her needs. Borghild doesn't feel any kind of emotion or sensation (though she can get curious about them, in a very cold and calculating way). However, she can mimic the expressiong of organic beings to fool or scare them. Other  than that, she is used to study the organic beings and to collect their DNA for various experiments, which led her to create her "son" to go after the heroes of the story.

No one knows her true origins anymore but she has been travelling the universe for centuries. Some people assume that she broke the codes of her own system and became crazy, gathering all information and technologies without an end.

Borghild © Webmegami