
6 years, 9 months ago


Name: Scoop

Flavor: Party cake  

Scoop is a bit of an accident but i love him all the same. A magical mishap involving an  everchill crystal and animation spell and the remaining half of a carton of party cake ice cream and bam scoop was born. Scoop is very shy not really into meeting new people. Though he tries to be brave and polite  when there are guest over. His greatest fear is he think people are serious when they say they could just eat him up he is so cute. He is also afraid of the bath tub thinking it is a giant bowl and there is some giant waiting to eat him. He often hides in the magical freezer in Sage and Dizz’s room that acts as his bed. He gets along really well with dizz and sage even with dizz licking him all the time as a joke. He knows dizz would never eat him. The three are my youngest children and tend to be inseparable. It is nice to see them all getting along so well.