


2 years, 1 month ago


Stardew Valley sona

trans man

early-mid 20's hell yeah

clovers best friend, came along when clover inherited their grandpas farm

golden retriever type of guy, everyone's friend

or is at least on good terms with everyone

had a very transphobic enviorment prior to moving, so he kept it from most of pelican town for a while

ppl who know about it are clover, shane and harvey

good fashion sense,,,despite what hailey says lmao

wears alternative type clothes

was brought into clothing therapy as an example of someone who expresses themselves with their clothes

(but he does try on alt femme clothes later)

doesn't care about ppls opinions when it comes to his style

will only go into the mines if absolutely necessary, good luck convincing him

fisherman, hates the taste and smell of fish, but he loves fishing

he doesn't really do much farming except for watering crops and caring for animals

he's good at fishing and prides himself on it, he gets excited every time he catches a new, rare fish the first couple times

he also prides himself on being more popular with the townsfolk than clover


marries shane later down the line

he doesn't get the mermaid pendant, instead he has a shark tooth necklace

backstory to that is that he once came into the stardrop talking about how he saw a shark and now has the (pretty ridiculous) goal of catching one

he used to be rlly annoying to shane, coming to talk to him at least once a day, hanging out in the stardrop in the evenings sometimes, talking about fishing

just being a small ray of sunshine that shane eventually got attached to

they hang out by the pier at the lake at night, sometimes one catches the other there alone and depressed and lets them vent


loves ice tea, boba tea,,, t

fun facts brought to you by me playing:

sam gifts him a tea set on the first winter star feast uwu

he walks home with shane every evening at like,,, midnight¿

the girls like him, not sure if platonically or romantically but he's pretty popular with them, sol being unaware when they do catch feelings,,

he had to take care of the whole farm by himself for half a week because pi was sick in bed

whenever he steps into the mines he needs to be protected by clover

clover and him sometimes sleep in the same bed or in each others beds even tho they have their own cottages

he has a blue chicken🤲 and a duck