Lullaby and Salmonberry (World)



Realm of mist, hunting and protection

An afterlife world, semi-d&d based, Spirits & riddle masters control dungeons and abandoned domains. Lower level spirits walk the realm and are a good source of food and pelt.
The technology is similar to ours with magic tech mixed in.
Meat comes from these spirits that pop up from negative energy.


Respawn: It being an afterlife the citizens and goddess cannot die, if they are "knocked out" (killed) they will respawn back at there home.

Classes: Classes are similar to dnd classes, each class has a blessing they can preform. They tend to be locked to using only there classes items but they can dual class.

Item leech: A person not given a class or blessing, however the goddess made sure these people would be extremely lucky when it came to item drops or random drop encounters, meaning they become item sellers more often then not. They also have a special skill of Item fishing, the ability to fish up decent items (most commonly common to rare items, like once a month they could fish up a legendary.)

Realms: Just a term for different afterlife's. These afterlives can be visited through the hub.. 

Hub: A Hub is place where if they chose the people of the realm can meet up with others from other realms or move to another realm.


Characters and how the world effect them:

When children enter the domain they are giving the chance to age until 40 years old and then continue at that age in the afterlife.
This was Salmonberry's fate, she didn't even have a name and her grandfather who raised her just called her for the food she was best at cooking. He wasn't kind, he resented her and treated her like a maid, locking her in the cupboard when she made the slightest slip up.

She unlike many within the world does not possess a true class: :Like fighter, bard or any others of the sort.
This means there were two ways for her to go, become an item leech or become a citizen (just a non-practicing item leech)


The goddess of this domain. She is very lax with the people of her world and how her domain works. This comes from her hunting aspect, people who tend to come to this after life want some surprise and spice in there afterlife.

She is not connected to the domain very strictly or the citizens. Most of the time she would be treated as either another citizen of for the more brazen a massive pile of exp and legendary items.

More ideas for what the realm looks like:


All photos from: