


2 years, 1 month ago


A seraph of the highest order, Astra has been protecting mankind for as long as anyone can remember with the power of her Holy Fire.

Seraphs live in the human realm, but are invisible to all but a few humans that are pure of heart. Their strength is determined by the number of humans that continue to worship them. As Astra was one of the seraphs who participated in the great war against the demons hundreds of years ago, her image is depicted on murals across the globe, giving her a large following of worshippers even to this day. This in turn gives her the continued strength to keep mankind safe from the demons.

To the other seraphs, Astra often appears cold, as she is never interested in idle chatter. Although she is always happy to train newer seraphs and treats everyone as equals, her focus is always on fighting demons and keeping everyone safe. She has lost many friends and companions over the last few centuries, and now prefers to simply keep to herself and avoid getting close to anyone in order to avoid the hurt associated with losing them. Instead, she focuses purely on her duties, interacting with others only when necessary. Despite that, the other seraphs all have great admiration for her strength, and are always looking to fight alongside her in battle to witness her skills up-close.