


2 years, 1 month ago


He/They | Pansexual


What is an Ashfurn?

We're creatures of fire and molten lava. Our favourite places to call home are volcanoes and burnt forests. We're rather nomadic and lone creatures, but can band together into tribes if given a purpose. We must always keep our tails ignited with a strong fire, as it's our best source of defense. Our fires are also a part of our souls, and are very special.

You may find us primarily in Earthen, greyscale, and fire tones. Only unique Crystalline Ashfurns come in every colour of the rainbow!

Ashfurns are currently a semi-closed species.

Learn more about my species HERE!

Noctis is a traveling nomad who hails from the planet of Kiaria. Unlike most Ashfurn he's met, he's completely nocturnal and is most active during the hours when the planet is darkest. He's hardly ever in complete and total blackness-- the planet's numerous lava flows and clusters of glowing crystals do a surprisingly good job of lighting his way-- but in the rare moments when he does find himself with no natural light other than his glowing tail, he carries a crystalline staff to light his way. The staff is comprised of a shard of crystal which makes up the head, vines tying it down to a sturdy branch which allows Noctis to wield it. He acquired the staff on the day when his tail flame fist ignited, that being the day he figured out his true purpose in life. As an unruly teenager, he had strayed too far away from home and found himself unable to find the way back to the nest as the sun dipped below the horizon. Trapped in a hostile environment with no choice but to stay in place lest something more dangerous than he picked him off in the darkness, Noctis took shelter by a cluster of glowing crystals which cast a faint circle of illumination around the nearby premises. When some beast he hardly even remembers save for the slavering jaws and wild eyes attempted to take the easy kill on the juvenile Ashfurn, he ripped a shard of crystal from the cluster and took down the beast will a well-aimed jab to the throat. The beast's form crashed into the crystals, and the sparks thrown up from the collision led to a brilliant flame flashing to life on the end of Noctis's tail. 

It was then that he had realized his true purpose in life, the revelation coming simultaneously as he became cognizant of the fast that the adrenaline coursing through his veins and the satisfaction of having properly defended himself overrode any fear that the situation had caused him. Looking at the crystal shard still clutched in his hand, almost cutting through his palm were they not already calloused enough by the heat his species was built to withstand, he smiled. Never before had he felt so alive, and all at once he craved the addicting rush of adrenaline and excitement. The crystal and his tail flame glowed simultaneously while his heart swelled as he made his decision-- it was time for him to eschew the nest. He was not meant to stay in one place, no-- the world was his to explore, the nighttime his to conquer. With his tail flame and his trusty crystal at his side, he would explore Kiaria or die trying.

Traveling at night comes with its pros and cons. Noctis is a quick-thinking spitfire who's always planning some excursion or another, but his ability to adapt to situations quickly leads to him being a bit foolhardy and overconfident. He doesn't think before acting half the time, and during the days when he does plan ahead, it's usually concerning how to execute his plans in the coolest way possible. He lacks any semblance of night-vision as the Ashfurn species doesn't typically frequent nighttime travel, though in typical Noctis fashion, this doesn't bother them one bit as they like the challenge. Noctis is not stealthy in the slightest, which is no surprise as it's rather difficult to be stealthy in the dead of night with a tail that acts as a glowing beacon revealing your whereabouts to everything able to see it. He makes up for this natural disadvantage by being incredibly fast. Ashfurns are naturally speedy, used to hopping around on the heated surfaces of cooling magma flows, but his movements are graceful and border on supernatural with their elegance. He's able to slip out of any situation with a combination of his wits, general agility, and zero reservations when it comes to stabbing someone in the soft parts with his crystal.

Noctis, though they hate to ever admit it, is a pretty lonely fellow. The constant traveling combined with being exclusively active at night makes him a pretty obvious outcast among other Ashfurn. Very few other Ashfurn he meet are nocturnal or active travelers, and he's never met anyone with both attributes. Noctis likes to pretend that this doesn't bother him, that his excitable lifestyle and the pure exhilaration it fills him with provides him with more than enough fulfillment in his life, simply put it's nothing more than a lie he tells himself. Noctis would love to one day have a partner, or at the very least a longtime friend, but as the months fly by he's all but given up on that being a possibility.