★ Yasuhiro



1 year, 11 months ago



Age 21

dob 08/08

Height 5'97''

Weight 70kg

Gender male

Race human, red panda

Occupation barista

Status can't be transfer


Creator Jerome О:-)



A difficult childhood. A drinking mother, always snapping at Hiro, a walking father who you won't see. Hiro had nowhere to go — he saved up all the evil in himself and took it out on those he disliked at school. Because of this, he was registered, but was removed from it after graduating from high school. Earlier, he was severely punished for such breakdowns, so he realized that it was impossible to show emotions. He closed himself in, stopped showing what he felt, and if there were attacks of aggression, he would break out only on himself, biting his hands, cutting the skin with something sharp: hurting only himself, but in no case others, so that they would not be afraid of him. He hates loneliness, so when he moved to another city from his mother, he immediately started looking for a neighbor, because living alone for him is unbearable and scary. Quickly gets used to people, because — well, what can you do? Behaving inappropriately with those who surround you and will surround you is fucked up, so why pretend to be a touchy-feely? He can show emotions, but not much, and only with those he trusts (at the moment only a neighbor). He takes antidepressants, which suck out the remnants of his strength (after he realizes that it's about them — he will stop drinking them and everything will be a little better).

He knows how to joke, is witty and very... squeamish, to some extent. He is straightforward, he can say everything to his face (but with Vivien he would be soft!). Moderately cocky, likes to tease others and smile impudently.



vivien [a couple]

Yasuhiro loves him very much. They met in a coffee shop where Yasuhiro worked when he was a student, when there was no choice of where to work. He’s open with his boyfriend, which cannot be said of him when it comes to someone other than Vivien. He finds Vivien slightly amusing, likes to play with his hair and just touches him. Seems to have an excessive tactile hunger for him...