


6 years, 5 months ago



"You darn Lunarians! Get out of here, can't you see Sun is trying to sleep?!"

Moonstone (Prefers 'Moon')
Active/On the moon
Genderless (They/Them)
Gem (Moonstone)

Moonstone (nicknamed 'Moon' by their fellow gems) is a gem on Earth who works a patrol along with their partner Sunstone. They're known for being ambedextrious and wielding dual swords, something that many of their siblings (especially Phos) have praised. They're very skilled, but also very reckless and carefree when fighting which usually leads to them breaking apart and needing to be saved and carried to Rutile by Sun, which usually earns them a scolding for 'disturbing their nap'.

Moon is a very excitable and energetic gem who was selected by Sensei to pair up with Sun for exactly those reasons. He figured that they would help balance each other out and create a formiddable team, and he was right. The two have great synergy together, and after working together for almost 500 years they've learned how to basically read each others' minds, which helps them overcome Sun's problem with speaking slowly. They also love fashion, and get along quite well with Red Beryl because of this. When they have free time they often help with their new designs, even offering Sun as a model for them from time-to-time since they can sleep standing up which makes them perfect for the job. Moon designs their and Sun's own uniforms every year and runs them by Sensei before working on making them with Beryl.

They have the opposite problem to Sunstone where instead of absorbing too little light and being sleepy al the time, they absorb too much light and remain awake long into the night when the other gems have become exhausted. While everyone else rests, they sit up with Sensei until they're tried enough to sleep, usually slumping over onto him and having to be carried to their room. This problem persists even during hibernation season, where they need to stay awake for a few extra days before they can finally lay down and rest for the winter.

They've always had a fascination with the moon and the Lunarians, often claiming that they felt like they were born to visit the moon someday since it was right there in their name. Sun told them that this was a dangerous way to think and that they needed to push those throughts out of their head so they could fight hte Lunarians with no hesitation or regrets. Moon tried their best to heed this advice, but once Phos managed to return from the moon (being the first gem who ever managed to do so) they just couldn't resist anymore and begged them to tell them everything they'd seen up there. When Phos asked if Moon wanted to leave with them in three days, Moon agreed quickly but then realized that they'd have to talk it over with Sun. Phos said that they could take their time deciding and that they'd coem to them on the night of the third day to get their final decision. Moon asked Sun to ocme with them, to which Sun responded with outrage and threats of telling Sensei. Not wanting Phos' plan to get ruined, Moon lied and said that they would stay but then later left with Phos on the third night. As Sun attempted to fight off the sunspot that threatened to take their friends away, Moon turned their back on them so they wouldn't have to watch as the Lunarian shot a single arrow at them that broke them in two.

  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
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  • no
  • no

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Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam condimentum risus vitae nibh hendrerit, eu bibendum justo lacinia. Nunc a gravida dui. Integer feugiat nunc ut tellus lacinia.

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