Emma Napulio



2 years, 26 days ago


Basic Info
Emma Napulio
17th of September 1992
1,78 m
Half German, Half French
Fashion Designer
Voice Claim
Carrie Keranen
  • Sweet Treats
  • Shopping
  • Horror Movies
  • Modern Fashion
  • Photography
  • Knitting and sewing
  • Pop Culture Trends
  • Her old modelling career
  • Papparazzi
  • Her old photos
  • Overly sensitive people
  • Being misjudged
  • Gossip
  • Emma is the third oldest of four siblings.
  • She learned how to use a sewing machine at age 13.
  • Emma worked as a model at age 18, switched to photography at 19 and then took over her mother's business at age 23.
  • Caused by the toxic beauty standards, Emma was suffering with bulimia during her early adulthood.
  • After her modeling years, she still get recognized by her former admirers.
  • Emma regularly sews new clothes for her siblings, including the cosplays for her sister.
Caring . Open-Minded . Selfless . Graceful

She is a very sweet and elegant person, with a hidden soft spot. However she is mostly rude and cold to strangers or papparazzi. For the people important in her life, she shows that she cares about them deeply, giving them advice and showing them empathy, when they are struggling. From all of the Braid-Napulio siblings Emma is the most responsible one by assigning each one of her siblings chores and routines for each week. Emma always wants the best for people by putting them above herself. This results of her being kind of distant, when she is going through her personal struggles, especially when it's relating to her eating disorder. With her sister, she constantly teasing her about anything, even about boys. With her brothers, she is less teasing than with her sister, as she doesn't want to embarrass them. With her husband, she's very loving and caring, so much so that she even dresses him for court. Since they were also childhood friends, they are always very witty towards each other when they are by themselves. But when Sebastiaan shows her any sort of affection she's always head over heels by the praise. Emma frequently daydreams of how well he treats her and thinking about all the things she could surprise Sebastiaan with the next time to recieve more of his supportive affections.


Emma was the third child to be born in the Braid-Napulio household, making her the first daughter. Around her parents, Emma was a cheerful and giggly baby, who was simply playing around with her toys. But with her older brother's Erik and Eligah being around, she would cry very often with no reason whatsoever. This behaviour of hers changed when Emma first learned how to speak and got to communicate with her brothers. However since Emma was the first girl in the family, she was often spoiled by her mother with clothing, coloring books and more. By the time Emma was 2 years old, her sister Elena was born, in which Emma was so happy and exited for, now that she has a sister to draw and play with. When she was 4 years old, she took an interest in clothing designs due to Vanessa - her mother, being a professional clothing stylist, spending most of her time drawing dresses and outfits during kindergarden. A young boy from her neighborhood approached her, complimenting her drawings. The boy's name was Sebastiaan, who was the first son of a Dutch law attorney family. Sebastiaan became Emma's first ever friend. They would often play in her mansions's garden while their mothers chatted over various topics. When Sebastiaan told her that he will always stay with her no matter where they are, Emma would giggle a lot, which made Sebastiaan think she was laughing at him. But then Sebastiaan mentions about him wanting to be a law attorney just like his parents, Emma fully supported his decision, so they made a promise to always stay in touch, even when they can't be together all the time. By the time primary school started, Emma and Sebastiaan would start to go to seperate schools. By then Emma had to find new friends, so the first people she approached were two girls from the other first grade class, mamed Amy and Haruki. Emma has heard of Haruki before through Luciana, Haruki's older sister, when she was visiting them a lot at home. The three girls became friends very quickly and would spend time talking about clothes and future goals after class. Haruki and Amy were also the first girls, whom Emma had shown her clothing designs to in which they were facinated with. The praise she was getting from people she liked and cared about motivated her to draw many more clothing designs until her mother took notice of them. At the same time her mother saw her sketches, sewing classes at school were introduced into the system, so she taught her daughter the ways of the sewing machine when Emma was 13 years old. Emma's open-minded and optimistic nature helped her get a massive boost in creativity, as she was very willing for new ideas and concepts to be shared. Around the time the new trends were growing, so were Vanessa's clothing brands. Almost every girl at Emma's school was wearing one of the newest pieces of clothing, while Emma was always spoiled with Vanessa's brands, making girls jealous of her but also made Emma become one of the most liked students in her school because of her clothes. That's when Emma's change in thought happened, where she took an interest in modelling more, since she was getting way more praise by wearing clothes instead of designing them. By the time she was 18, Emma applied for various modelling companies, however was toned down by almost all of them because of her weight. Emma was an average weight for her height, but was still considered "obese" for the judges. Hearing these words over and over again made Emma not willing to accept herself anymore, so she tried eating less and forcefully push the fats out of her. She became thinner and thinner, until jer mother and her brother's took notice of it. After applying again, she then was accepted into the position. Emma was only happy about for a short while until she realizes what she had done to herself to even come to this point. All the other contestants were as thin as her, possibly even thinner. This sight of agony made Emma physically sick, so she quit her modelling job only three months in. Only some of her photos were released to the public and she couldn't look at herself in the mirror anymore because of that decision. Emma attended therapy at age 19 for her bulimia and was offered a photography apprenticeship instead to distract herself while she slowly goes back on her eating routine. Her love for photography was only growing throughout time as she enjoyed seeing the photos she made of common people on the street, appreciating the beauty in all of them. Emma even enjoyed taking photos of her siblings as practice. Things changed for Emma drastically when her mother offered to take over ber fashion business, in which she accepted without heistation. On that same year when Emma took her mother's company was the same time Erik has gained ownership of the very mansion they live in. This was her big chance to fulfill her fashion designer dreams and therefore got to work immediately, making brand new clothing items every day. When she needed photo models, that's when she was a little stuck, since she wasn't going to make some of herself again. So she instead got her brother's and her sister to do modelling work for her and Emma releases the photos in a new magazine, which gained a lot of traction. Little would Emma know that her new collection would boom in popularity, making a new name for herself and in the process, making her siblings known to the public as well. After the overwhelmingly positive response, Emma was working day after day until she heard a knock on the door and was greeted back with a familiar face. Sebastiaan has kept his promise and came back for her after completing his law studies, therefore he became an official lawyer. This moment was tears moving for Emma as she was finally able to hold her childhood friend in her arms, telling him about all the accomplishments. On top of the promise they made towards each other, they then were finally ready to start an official relationship.

Erik Braid | Older Brother

"The poor guy is never catching a break! His anxiety always gets his shirts all torn up, I don't know how he does it!! Well.. I can't blame him, he has gone through a lot afterall so I'm always sewing everything back together!~ Erik is a great listener too, it feels like he's the only one in my family who actually wants to hear about what I'm interested in."

Eligah Napulio | Older Brother

"Eligah is one rare gem of a kind! His books really move you to tears when you read them, it's like he's using a magic spell to make his words even more expressive! Whenever he describes one of my outfits, he always does it in such a poetic way it brings me to tears myself! He's gotta teach me the way of his words someday!~"

Elena Braid | Younger Sister

"Oh my baby sister is so adorable, you won't believe it!~ Her bodytype is basically made to be suit for my clothing brand! I know I know it sounds like I'm using her as my dress-up mannequin but can you blame me? I also make her cosplay costumes of the many fictional beings she likes so I have every right to dress her up ever so often, ehe!~ And I wouldn't mind doing some more costumes for the soul purpose for her special someone, if you know what I mean.~"