Alex - 🔵



2 years, 1 month ago


Name: Alex

Age: 19

Birthday: May 18

Star sign: Pisces

Gender: demigirl (she/they)

Sexuality: demisexual 

Status: single

Clan: alpha

Power: control and manipulate fire

Flavor: sugar

Personality: very friendly, sweet, gentle, caring, she's very kind-hearted and playful and loves to engage with others, very social, extremely empathetic and can sense when others are upset (not like a lambda tho), loyal to her friends and family and very altruistic as well, they're one of the best friends someone could have

Likes: spending time with others, helping others in need, going to cafes and bakeries and having sweet treats and coffee drinks, amusement parks, and the beach

Dislikes: others who are cruel for no reason, accidently hurting others, being abandoned 

Lives: just outside of Star City, Kappa 

Occupation: works part time at a cotton candy vendor in Star City where they create fun shapes with the cotton candy. The candy has all sorts of colors and other add ins like sprinkles as well!!