Manami Oshiro



6 years, 6 months ago


Name Manami Oshiro

Personal Information

Race: Shinigami


Age Appearace: 27

Birthday: May 24

Gender: Female

Height: 5’9”

Weight: 134 lbs

Professional Status

Affiliation: Gotei 13

Occupation: Lieutenant

Team: Squad 12

Partner: Akemi

Base of Operations: Squad 12 Laboratory

Personal Status


Manami has no relatives. Akemi is her closest friend and feels like a sister to Manami


Shino Academy


Manami is a rather tall woman with light skin, a slender frame and an average bust. Her pale green eyes stand out compared to her red hair which she keeps short with some in the front framing her face. The shihakusho Manami wears has short sleeves compared, but she does also wear a pair of longer white sleeves underneath that extend to cover most of her hands. She also wears a black choker and a thin dark blue scarf around her shoulders. Manami keeps her zanpakuto on her left hip in her obi and her lieutenant’s badge on her right bicep. And when on missions to the World of the Living Manami’s limiter symbol is on her left hand.


Manami is very kind but can be one the submissive side. This caused her to become the natural test subject for all of her Captain and best friend’s experiments. Manami is well known for her intelligence and gentle touch. She does like to joke around and has a great sense of humor, to help her smile after being used in so many experiments. These qualities have been greatly appreciated in the squad to improve on their cold and serious reputation. She is well known for her tactical mind, but even in social situations Manami can over analyze thing. Many have taken Manami’s sweet disposition as a sign that she is a push over and they were proven wrong. She will not hesitate to stand her ground to get her voice heard. But, usually it is for someone else’s good, to give them advice or help.


Manami grew up alone in district 35 of the East Rukongai. She didn’t have much except for the clothes on her back and a book that was her prized, and only, possession. It wasn’t all bad for Maanmi though. There were plenty of people that let her help around their places for food or a place to sleep. She knew that she was lucky to be able to have the necessities, but she was still lonely every night she went to sleep and when she woke up alone.

A day came when Manami had to make a delivery to the next district. Normally it wouldn’t have been that much trouble. However the recent rain had made the mountain roads dangerous. Half way through her journey Manami narrowly escaped a sudden rockslide. She and her cargo were unharmed, but her book ended up in a tree off the edge of the path. It left Manami heartbroken. Even if she had read that book from cover to cover it was something Manami couldn’t live without. There was no way for her to get to it safely on her own. She thought the best thing to do was to finish her delivery and ask someone for help.

After she handed over the package, Manami began to ask everyone she met to help get her book back. No one thought it was worth it to risk their lives for a book. Just when she thought all hope was lost a single person came to Manami’s aid. It was a girl with green hair and golden eyes. She was around the same age as Manami and said her name was Akemi. After she gathered a large sack, Manami lead her along the mountain path. As they walked the two found they had a lot in common. Both of them enjoyed reading, they worked various odd jobs, and they didn’t have any relatives. Being around Akemi made Manami feel really happy, something she hadn’t felt in a while. Eventually they arrived at the spot and after Manami showed where the book Akemi immediately started to tinker with the equipment she brought. In no time at all she had a strange device ready to go. With a pull of the trigger it launched a net, wrapped up the book and Akemi reeled in the book. Manami was overjoyed to have her book back and asked if there was anything she could do to repay Akemi. Instantly a smile spread on Akemi’s face as she asked if Manami would be her assistant to help test her inventions and experiments. As they shared a handshake to seal the agreement, a lifelong friendship was born.

Soon after meeting, Manami moved in with Akemi to be closer to help with new inventions. For a long time Akemi worked for a local blacksmith. In exchange for working for him Akemi had a room to herself and food every day, both of which she was more than happy to share with Manami. When they weren’t helping with their chores, Manami and Akemi were usually working on some new experiment Akemi came up with that day. Even if the work was hard and some of Akemi’s inventions failed in some strange way, Manami was happy to have someone to share the good and bad times with in Akemi. After some time Akemi had the idea that the two of them should attend the Shino Academy to try and join the Gotei 13. Her dream was to become one of the members of Squad 12 and work in the R&D department. They would be able to have a better life in the Seireitei and Akemi would have access to better materials for her more ambitious experiments. Manami thought it was a great idea as well and the very next day they went to take the entrance exam. They each passed with high marks and were on their way to becoming Shinigami.

Both Manami and Akemi really enjoyed going to school. The classes were a breeze for the two of them and there were so many new people to meet. Manami didn’t have any problem with the school work, but she only had trouble pulling Akemi away from her experiments and into class. After some years of hard work, Manami and Akemi finished school at the top of their class, albeit with after earning the titles of “mad scientist” and “the red guinea pig”. Both Manami and Akemi were overjoyed when they learned that they would be joining Squad 12 after graduation.

When Manami arrived at Squad 12 she was pretty nervous. In the academy she was around other students learning the same things as her. Now it was different. There were many members there that have been there a long time. Manami wasn’t feeling sure she could live up to the expectations. It didn’t take long before Akemi was there to reassure her friend that they would be fine and that the squad would benefit from their new ideas. As usual Akemi’s words were able to help Manami regain her confidence. It was true. Manami and Akemi were not only able to help others with their projects, but their own projects proved to be very useful. Manami was able to upgrade a lot of the systems in place.

Eventually when the Captain position was open Akemi was selected to fill the role for her numerous innovations. Without a single hesitation she named Manami her lieutenant. She was reluctant at first to take the position knowing there were stronger candidates than herself. But, she was true to her word to be there whenever Akemi needed her. Manami would find she would stay busy keeping up with Akemi’s experiments and helping the other squad members. But, after years of only being with Akemi, Manami finally had more friends in the squad and as well as the rest of the Gotei 13.

Zanpakuto- Yoru Uta (Night Song)

Manami has a kido type zanpakuto that is sound based. In a sealed state Manami’s zanpakuto has the appearance of a normal wakizashi. The handle has a dark green wrapping with a rectangular shaped guard and kept in a navy blue scabbard.

Zanpakuto- Spirit:

Originally Yoru Uta had a form of a giant bat. After a modification she now has a form of a young woman with long dark brown hair, pale skin, and gray eyes. She still has some of her bat attributes with a noticeable pair of fangs and a set of bat wings on her head. Yoru Uta wears a gray cape decorated with a tassel at each end, a pair of gray boots complete with a white cross, and a black short dress. Yoru Uta is pretty different from Manami. Where Manami is calm and rational, Yoru Uta tends to be mischievous, playful and a bit selfish from time to time.

Inner Zanpakuto- World:

The inner zanpakuto world is a very large oak grove in eternal night with plenty of light from the full moon and countless stars. In the center of the forest, the largest tree has Yoru Uta hanging around in the branches. If Manami is upset the leaves all fall from the trees leaving them empty.


Manami will go to activate her shikai with the release “Screech, Yoru Uta” (Kanakirigoe, Yoru Uta) Her sword becomes smaller and changes shape becoming a curved blade coming out from the handle with a spike at the center of the handle. The wrappings become a dark purple and there is now a red tassel at the end.

Shikai Attacks

Fuan’na Barado (Uneasy Ballad) Manami swings Yoru Uta near her opponent sending out a low sound wave that greatly upsets their sense of balance. It leaves them vulnerable to attacks as they have a hard time walking, let alone fighting. However this effect doesn’t last very long giving Manami a limited time to attack.

Sairen no Sakebi (Siren Cry) Manami charges the opponent while letting out a high pitched sound from sword. As the enemy tries to shield themselves from the sudden screech it Manami strikes the finishing blow. This move as to be done quickly in order to not give the enemy time to recover from the sound and Yoru Uta can only hold the frequency for so long.


Yoru Uta, Dai Kangengaku-dan (Night Song, Grand Orchestra)

To release her bankai Manami brings up Yoru Uta to her mouth then begins to sing a note between the space of her sword. While Manami heightens the note her weapon glows as it increases in length and changes shape. When the glow fades Yoru Uta, Dai Kangengaku-dan’s form is seen. It now has dramatically increased in length forming a 7 ft (2.1 meters) staff. It has a set of sharp blades at each end making a U shape. Both have an orb between at the base of the blade, one is blue and the other is green. Besides giving Manami more reach in battle, Yoru Uta Dai Kangengaku-dan also greatly increases her ability to control sound to make it into a weapon.

Bankai Attacks

Sonikkumerodi (Sonic Melody)

As Manami swings her weapon, she focuses her energy to the green orb. With each swing of the weapon a high pitch ring can be heard actually causing the sound waves to focus and cut her enemy.

Kaminari no Teion (Thunder Bass)

By gathering energy to the end with the blue orb, Manami is able to send very low pitch sound waves to her enemy. Unlike Sonikkumerodi that cuts the opponent, Kaminari no Teion has a heavy impact usually sending most of the damage internally.


Likes Afternoon tea, books, new things to research

Dislikes Dark places, bitter snacks, bats

Theme Song Diamond Eyes-Shinedown

Manami’s specialty in R&D is spiritual energy detection and suppression. She has also been working with spiritual energy amplification.

Not only has Manami been the subject of Akemi’s experiments, but Yoru Uta has too

She started to drink tea in the afternoon as the way to relax after some of Akemi’s experiments.

Manami asked to have Yoru Uta’s form changed because of a bad experience she had with bats in her younger days.

After joining the Gotei 13, Manami found out the one that gave her first book was Hoshi Akiyama, Isamu and Akane’s mother.

Whenever she gets the chance, Manami will go and visit Nobu the blacksmith that she and Akemi worked for. Most of their conversations revolve around the side effects that she dealt with from Akemi’s recent experiment.


To a hollow ”I will do whatever it takes to protect the innocent and investigate new mysteries. Even if that means fighting monsters like you.”

To Akane Akiyama ”Don’t worry. If Akemi wasn’t sure if it would work she would have had me try it first.

To a group of new squad members ”Welcome to Squad 12. I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors and you don’t have to worry. Only a little more than half are true.”

To Akemi after a failed experiment ”I don’t care if purple is my favorite color. I don’t want to have purple skin!”

To Kiku Himura ”She may test her new equipment on me, but if it goes wrong Akemi always makes it up to me. Plus she is my best friend and we would do anything for each other.”