


2 years, 1 month ago



stalwort loyal stubborn honest chivalrous selfless
wocky @maxcapacitygo code credit


Name Ferrand Afloz
Age Adult
Gender Trans Man
Pronouns He / Him
Resides Sky Fortress
Nationality Scaesian
Height 5'8"
Build Muscular
Hair Dirty Blond
Eyes Dark Brown
Sexuality Bisexual
Spark None
Occupation Knight Commander
Alignment Lawful Good


Character Blurb

Sir Ferrand Afloz–first of his name–is the Knight Commander of the Kingdom of Scaesia’s Knight Corps. Despite rumors of his previous gruesome wartime feats, Ferrand is known throughout much of at-peace Scaesia as a true example of chivalry and the very tenets of knighthood. A nearly-tragic fiery incident in his youth left him heavily scarred but did not deter his unyielding sense of justice and ambition. Circumstances saw him from humble, farmboy beginnings to the capital of the kingdom, where he would join the Knight Corp and move up through the ranks with impressive speed, eventually appointed as the then-crown prince’s personal guard.

His gruff nature and resting impassive expression bely a depth of kindness and strong moral compass, making the common-born knight a subject of much royal court gossip and admiration. His resistance to most forms of Spark-based magic and his honed combat prowess make him a formidable ally and a fearsome foe.

  • Spark Immunity
  • Survival & Combat
  • Leadership
  • Hard to Agitate
  • Hardworking
  • Sturbborn
  • Not Booksmart
  • Destructive Anger
  • Oblivious
  • Wrong Place, Wrong Time
  • Hard Outside Soft Inside
  • Good with Kids
  • Woodcarver
  • Good Baker
  • Unlucky in Gambling


Hit Points

Skills & Abilities

Spark Immunity
Due to mysterious events surrounding his birth, Ferrand has a strange resistance to Sparks that most other Sparkless people do not possess. This “shield” is passive, meaning that Ferrand doesn’t necessarily have to know he’s being affected by a Spark for it to work.
Man of the People
Ferrand’s commoner background and his strong work ethic, coupled with an unassuming manner of speech and deep-rooted desire to do good make him an ideal leader and figure for the common folk. His hometown regards him as a folk hero of sorts, and the knights under his command trust him to lead them.
Combat Prowess
Through a combination of raw talent and years of discipline, Ferrand has garnered a well-earned reputation as a skilled warrior, respected (and perhaps feared) by others of similar standing. He favors a large, double bladed war axe but is proficient in most common weaponry, including swords, shields, and polearms.
Ferrand possesses a keen sense of “gut”, and following that feeling has saved him and those around him enough times for him to trust his instincts above anything else.
Natural Charm
While one’s first impression of the gruff knight might not suggest this, Ferrand gets along quite easily with most people who spend any extended time around him. His affable, if simple, nature has commanded the attention of many admirers, secret and open, including the affection of the reigning king of Scaesia.
Ferrand is comfortable “roughing it” due to his rural upbringing. Finding food, water and a safe way/place to set up shelter is second nature to him. He’s a surprisingly decent hunter in a pinch, and knows how to treat both domesticated and wild animals with the space and respect they deserve.


Ferrand receives a salary as Knight Commander that goes largely unused, but he is well off now. Being the beloved of the king has its benefits. He lives in the castle of the Sky Fortress in Scaesia’s capital, Syrenill, and often sends money home to his mothers.
While not a man of devout faith, Ferrand carries the usual regard for the old gods as many citizens of Scaesia. It’s common for soldiers to ask the gods for protection and drive before battle, and in wartime Ferrand did this often enough. He’s also familiar with the customs of his home in the Northern Isles.
Ferrand strongly values justice and protection for those who need it most. In wartime, he’d often do everything in his power to prevent even “enemy” civilians from coming under fire, even if it meant blocking his supposed allies. In peacetime, he travels wherever he feels needed most when he can, helping organize and handle reconstruction efforts.
Ferrand is still close with his mothers and all seven of his sisters. He is also quite involved with King Pazkhal, and is becoming involved with the king’s newest advisor, a Weaver by the name of Masarec. Many rumors around court focus on this new entanglement. Ferrand also has a child with someone he is no longer involved with, but remains amicable with. He spends time with his “kiddo” regularly outside of the castle to keep their identity safe from the scrutiny of the court.
  • Hearing a good story
  • Quiet moments in nature
  • A solid spar
  • Routine
  • Fresh baked bread
  • Noble arrogance
  • Misuse of power
  • Doubt of his loyalty
  • Small spaces
  • Useless politics


Early Life

Born under strange circumstances in the Republic of Nizfeld and soon abandoned by his birth parents as a result, a very young Ferrand and his twin sister were taken in by a pair of mothers residing in the Northern Isles, in a town along the sea. Originally a family of all women residing on a bustling farm, Ferrand found comfort in masculinity and was soon recognized as the only boy among seven sisters. His twin, Isolde, discovered her Spark while still young, associated with metalworking, and soon devoted all her time to studying, while Ferrand drifted willingly towards taking care of the farm’s veritable menagerie of animals alongside his other siblings and mothers.

Around his teens, an encounter with Scaesian knights during a festival tournament left young Ferrand with a sense of wonder and direction, and he soon left his hometown for the Scaesian capital with the hopes of one day wearing the armor that marked these individuals as skilled and proud defenders. After becoming a stable boy for the Knight Corp, Ferrand befriended a rehabilitated golden griffon that he bonded with, despite none of the other knights nor stablehands being able to even approach it out of fear of being attacked. In a catastrophic fire, Ferrand insisted on making sure all other people and creatures were safe, resulting in him becoming trapped in the burning building, hurriedly dragged out by his griffon companion. The resulting recovery would leave him heavily scarred all over his body and out of commission for months, despite magically assisted healing appointed by the old king as recognition of his bravery.

This act caught the eye of several knights higher in command, and would fastrack Ferrand’s eventual recruitment into the Knight Corps. Once there and fully recovered, he would quickly prove that pity wasn’t needed, surpassing his peers in combat training, due to both natural talent and diligent, disciplined practice. He also became quite an efficient and deft tactician, despite little formal training, surprising his superiors with an eye for strategy. The prodigious knight-to-be caught the eye of the crown prince during a training exercise meant to serve as an exhibition for the young royal to choose a personal guard as he neared his coming of age, and the prince immediately felt drawn to the young, handsome recruit, especially after hearing of his deeds.

This eventually led to his appointment as Pazkhal’s personal guard, and the two grew closer and closer, eventually falling for one another. Ferrand remained in this position even during wartime, following the prince and protecting him whenever necessary, alongside regular military duty when required. There have been reported incidents of Ferrand performing rather gruesome acts against other soldiers, enemy and ally alike, when confronted with perceived vile behavior against civilians, both Scaesian and Esnarin. When the king died quite suddenly during the campaign, slain by his own general, Pazkhal was quickly crowned and the new king moved to put the war to rest. Ferrand was there for him during this tumultuous time, both as protector and confidant as Pazkal worked tirelessly to reform the kingdom and its infrastructure. Once the treacherous general was sentenced, Ferrand received a major promotion to Knight Commander, due both to King Pazkhal’s considerable influence and the respect of the remaining soldiers. With this came the assignment of a noble title, to Ferrand’s exasperation and gratefulness.

In peacetime, Ferrand maintains high standards for the troops under his command and accompanies the king on diplomatic missions as needed. He bears little patience for the bureaucracy and pomp of the court and often appeals for the needs of the common people throughout Scaesia.

Current Events

Ferrand has taken to touring the kingdom and surveying improvements and repairs to damaged infrastructure, especially along the border with former enemy nation Esnari. He is well-respected by Scaesians at large, and somewhat feared by neighboring people as a rumored “demon” in battle. He was recently given an assignment from the king himself: track down a recently exiled Esnari refugee who just happens to be a rather skilled Weaver, rumored to have assassinated a prominent Esnarin noble. Ferrand takes Pazkhal’s order to take the Weaver in as peacefully as possible with great seriousness.


Royal Insignia
This crest of Scaesian royalty marks Ferrand as the personal guard of the King, and provides him with some amount of visible authority.
War Axe
Forged with some design input from his twin sister, Isolde, this is Ferrand’s favored weapon. It looks unwieldy in the hands of other soldiers, even those well-trained, but Ferrand wields the double edged weapon with imposing ease. It’s never far from him if he can help it.
Wood-Carving Knife
Though not gifted with a wood-affiliated Spark, Ferrand still finds enjoyment and a sort of meditative relaxation in simple carving. Serves as a survival tool in a pinch, too–for gutting potential food and the like.
King's Favor
Though this trinket has taken on several forms during the time that Ferrand has known Pazkhal, he has carried some form of physical memento of the king for years. It is usually tucked away into his armor, or under clothing. Currently, it’s rumored that noble Sir Ferrand carries a ring on a chain around his neck.
Map & Compass
Though Ferrand cannot read traditionally, he’s fairly good at reading maps and finding his way around. Comes in handy on long journeys throughout the kingdom, and beyond.
Dice Set
Originally given as a gift to celebrate his appointment to the Knight Corps, Ferrand soon found he had absolutely terrible luck in gambling. Even still, it’s not uncommon to find him partaking in a round or two (keeping his bets low), if for nothing else than the camaraderie he can build with his troops.



Ferrand is rarely seen out of armor on official business, unless on special formal occasions. He has more everyday armor that lacks much embellishment beyond draping and marking that identifies him by his rank and affiliation with the King, usually in the deep blues and greens the King’s court is known for. This is sometimes worn with a short cape and his infamous winged, blue-plumed helmet, or, during the cold season, a fur and a heavy cloak. Semi-formal occasions (or perhaps times where he needs to appear even more imposing) call for his specially-commissioned armor, featuring much more embellishment, mostly wing and griffon themed, including asymmetric pauldrons and somewhat clawed greaves. The royal crest is emblazoned across the chest piece of this decorative armor, but it is just as functional as his normal wear.

When out of armor, Ferrand tends to dress very simply, much to the dismay of his beloved King (and eventually beloved Weaver). Common dressing down usually involves a simple tunic, trousers, and boots, all in earthy, plain colors. In privacy, he wears a shirt as sparingly as possible. During the rare formal occasion that he can’t wear armor to, he usually trusts Pazkhal to choose his outfit, which often results in elegant fashion in blues and golds that Ferrand tries not to complain too much about.

Wardrobe Inspiration

Allies & Enemies


Once simply serving as the young prince’s personal guard, Ferrand was mostly oblivious to Pazkhal’s efforts to woo him. Eventually, though, the two young men grew closer and explored budding feelings for one another. After tumultuous times and much built trust between them, Ferrand is both Pazkhal’s most loyal protector and his beloved. Pazkhal is the whimsy to his serious outlook, and in turn Ferrand tempers some of Pazkhal’s impulsiveness. Their relationship is not necessarily public knowledge, but it is the subject of mostly fond rumors around court, as well as some plays and songs known in the capital. After all, what could be more romantic than a king and his dear knight?


Originally very much at odds due to how Masarec came to live in the Sky Fortress, Ferrand butted heads with the wily Weaver on more than one occasion. At Pazkhal’s request, however, Ferrand tried his best to set aside any lingering prejudice and began to see some kinship in a fellow orphan. Ferrand holds a great deal of respect for Masarec’s skill and the way they handle the court. Nobles who pay close enough attention during council meetings can catch a shared glance between them every now and then. The two continue to grow closer, and court rumors swirl about Ferrand’s possible involvement with Masarec, and Masarec’s involvement with the king, as well.