Doctor [Sona]



2 years, 1 month ago



He / Him / Its


"People are sensitive, we can't change that."

 NAME   Dr Ivan 
 ALIAS   Doctor 
 AGE   53 
 SPECIES   Canine 
 GENDER   Male 
 ORIENTATION   Homoromantic 
 OCCUPATION   Mechanical Inventor 
 DESIGNER  cultwarden

His real name is never used, instead he's simply known as Doctor. This isn't an asshole move from his friends, instead he seems to have a preference against his name being used in most cases. He has a PHD and throws most of his energy into his work, not really understanding how other biological creatures work, finding emotions & reading others hard.

Oh man is he fluffy, which sort of covers his plus size body, making him just look like a puffball after a shower, which makes it all a bit difficult to see where skin stops and fur starts. And don't let his grumpy face fool you, he's a sweetheart deep down, not that he'd admit that.







Often struggling with both reading others emotions and also understanding his own, his personality often seems to shift, snapping from kind to rude very quickly. Because of this, he prefers to just keep up a snarky personality, though these are often directed with a fond tone towards those that he actually likes - though these are also rather hard for him to come by.

This issue also causes him to shift between being seen as charming or repellent, it very much depends on who he's around and how much patience he has left in him. He is pretty good at starting off as charming, even if this may only last a couple of seconds for certain people.

Once Doctor has made a friend, he will keep incredibly close to them, often gifting them with extravagant items, while doing it in a casual way. Claiming it needs testing, or failed sometimes, it's also known for him to just, not tell them about it and wait to see them discover it on their own. Though, if it takes too long he might make some sort of casual push towards it.


  • Technology
  • Being alone
  • Roo
  • Gifts
  • content


  • Emotions
  • Other People
  • Mess
  • His things being moved
  • Paperwork
  • Trying to get funding



Doctor struggles a lot with who he is, as he very much had an idea of who he was before he then stumbled into the two people who he thinks are the most important in his world, after himself that is.
What he does know and can always confirm is that he's the smartest person out there and that everyone else is beneath him, he's just decided that a couple are now allowed to be slightly closer to him then everyone else. This worsens his loose temper, not having the patience to deal with other people for very long, he needs one of the others with him to keep it from completly loosing it at anyone.

His creations are really his whole world, and basically his babies not that he'd ever call them that, well at least not when anyone else is around to hear it say that, that is. A lot of his newer equiptment is made with Roo in mind, often with software that will start recording the minute Roo starts talking so that none of his ramble is lost and can be reviewed at a later date.


The Doctor still doesn't claim he likes people, despite the fact he now views Roo as a son in a sense, he still claims he feels no real importance towards the teen. Part of him doesn't want to admit that maybe others are important in his life now, both due to not really accepting it himself, but also because he sees it as a weakness, for either others to take advantage of, or would cause him to loose focus on his work.
He doesn't quite get why Roo is like he is, why he's so obsessed with cooking and doing things that Doctor sees as a waste of time. What he does understand though, is that it makes Roo happy, so he'll continue to let him do those things, even if he puts on an act that he dislikes it all and thinks it's very strange and kind of stupid.

It is yet to tell Roo how exactly he views him, in a sense rather embaressed about admitting the level of fondness that it has towards the other young man. But what he has done, is continued to further spoil the teen in ways he didn't before, and hopes that maybe Roo will take the hint. He thinks it would probably be easier to confirm the idea then out right state it.


Stone was the first true person to really see Doctor and what he's like. Almost befriending the slightly older man with force, though Doctor knows if he didn't really want to befriend the Caracal, he wouldn't have let it happen.
The two became rather dependent on each other, Doctor rarely seen without Stone by his side anymore, and if they were seperated it would usually be because Stone was off getting a coffee or something savoury for it. He also helped it realise how they really identified and brought a lot of comfort to it, helping trial out pronouns, and didn't make it feel ridiculed for it's choices.

The two eventually realised they meant more to each other then just friends, and begun dating, something Doctor was always insecure about, but Stone always kept to it's pace and kept reassuring it that he would be there no matter what, always by his side.
This however, does end up changing. One day Stone simply left, basically dissapearing from the life he was living, no notes to Doctor or anyone else at that. Some things had been taken with him but others left, it simply made no sense. Doctor is still trying to work out what happened to his lover & why, but it has left him heartbroken.



  • Very private about the fact he's trans, he doesn't hide it, but unlike Roo & Stone he's not confident in it.
  • Loves actual dogs, would like a pet but finds them too messy
  • Gift giving / making something specialised is part of his love language
  • It actually has multiple PHDs and a degree in Education, it will NOT be using that one.
  • Took a long time for him to feel comfortable in his sexuality.
  • It's not that he hates Lina, she simply gets on his nerves, and he thinks that's what she wants anyway.
  • Has zero contact with his biological family, it's as if he doesn't have any.
  • Mans suffers from Emetophbia, he can't even hear other people vomit



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I Can't Handle Change
