Vinnie's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

C0inCreature Global Rules
『 C0inCreature's Design T.O.S. 』

You're allowed to alter the design slightly if you do own the design, just please keep a few traits and don't re-design them wholly.

Please don't add worth into the design if you got them through trades / raffles / freebies, UNLESS you've added commissioned / personal art.

Please, PLEASE. don't delete and re-upload the design you've got from me, even if it's traded to someone outside of, please keep them on or find a way to get that person a profile.

If you are ever thinking of making inappropriate content of my design, please ask me for my permission first. I know a few people who does this without asking me and it really tire me out.

Please do NOT trade / give / sell my designs away to the blacklisted people. I have them blacklisted for a reason. and if I ever catch you give my design to the blacklisted person, you might as well be blacklisted.



IIf you'd like to know, please message me privately.