Michael Stevens



2 years, 1 month ago


can turn into a bat like monster

He became  a patient in a  victorian asylum after being a doctor in the same location. Often had to injure horid treatment by the head anatomist armata strigoi.  He was there due to ""traumatic head injury"" resulting into him becoming "melancholy mad " . Really these were just falsified documents written by Strigoi in his attempts to gain more power over Michael to gain more and more of his blood , and thus his soul. Near the end Michael was so withered he resembled that of a corpse. Armata strigoi blamed all his physically cuts and bruises on the fact he was a "loonatic" and that Stevens did it to himself so Armata could get all the precious blood in the ways he wanted to without anyone bat-ing and eye. ( get it cause Armata strigoi is a vampire.)

A once bright, intelligent doctor sent to madness after his life stealing (blood is lives). 

Near to the end of his life , michael gained the energy ( with secret help from mortemi , one of Armata`s other victims who worked at the asylum and would actually believe Michael ). He together with Mortemi secretly melted down silver from armatas own surgical instruments to mold around the tip of a stake to make sure the beast would die.