Cherish Keiran Morgan



2 years, 1 month ago


I guess today's to do list was written in disappearing ink. Because I had the best intensions on completing absolutely everything on it and nothing got done.

You make me feel like my troubled heart is a million miles away. You make me feel like I'm drunk on stars and we're dancing out into space

Cherish Keiran Morgan

“I want to be someone that you can think back on and smile about.”


Cherish Keiran Morgan




95 lbs

Dominant Arm




May 18th





We were made to be Nothin' more than this Finding magic in all the smallest things The way we notice, that's what really matters Let's make tonight go on and on and on


Cherish usually has a calm aura about her despite her resting bitch face. Her movements and speech holds elegance in them, but looking past that, Cherish is a very strong willed woman who would do anything to get where she has to be, and get what she thought she deserves. She could care less with whatever consequence of her actions may result for her, and if it happens to bite her in the ass, then she figured she'll find a way to correct it on her own.

She has a "I do things my way" and "excuse you, you're in my way" attitude. Relying on only herself is something she learned from a young age, and would often refuse help from others. If said help is forced on her, Cherish would start pushing whoever it is away. Its not that she doesn't trust people, but she feared that if she were to accept help from someone, whoever it is would come and "collect" later down the road.

She appears to be painfully shy and introverted, often spending time on her lonesome. This merely stems from the fact she takes a long while to develop meaningful relationships with anyone whether it be romantic or platonic. Cherish has the tendency to keep anyone at arms lenght and treats everyone as an acquaintance for a long time before she even start letting them in. She is also very guarded around people she's comfortable with, prefering not to show any weakness.

Despite letting her guard down, Cherish is a blunt woman. She doesn't sugar coat her words. While she tries not not sound angry, she can sometimes come out to be aggressive and fiery and doesn't believe in "treat others the way you want to be treated". She would treat people exactly the same way they treat her.


Has a few resting faces that triggers depending on the current situation and her company. Don't take it personally if she ever looks like she's about to murder anyone. This includes Resting Bitch Face, which is her typical resting face on the daily basis. This gets more prominent when she's with someone who she actually likes, or when she's reading a smut book. Don't try to pry out that book out of her hands or she'll flip. Then there's her Zoned Out Face which usually how she looked when she barely woke up for the day. Its best not to bother her until she finally had her coffee as throwing her groove will bring out her resting stank face. This face also replaces her RBF if anyone tries to pry her smut book off her hands. Then there's her resting bored face. This is usually her face whenever she's working on school projects or her actual job... or if someone decided to talk to her about their problems. Don't take it the wrong way - she is actually listening to the problem but she just figured her RBF is enough deterrent...

A masochist in bed. The rougher, the better. But this isn't exactly what she tells anyone, even her partner.

Demisexual/Demiromantic. She is also genderblind.

Has seasonal allergies but that hasn't stopped her from working with flowers and plants. Despite the runny nose and eyes, she'll weather through it until she's done with her floral arrangement. She is also deathly allergic to bees and had tried to catch the spicy sky raisin at least a couple of times.

Baking is something she can do much better than cooking. She can make a single cupcake look like its made by a professional. However, cooking is her bane. She had caused a few kitchen fires in the past trying to cook on stoves... and heating food with a microwave. Not only that, but she has no knife skills, whatsoever.

Often equipped with a book or two. They're always a smutty and a mystery murder novels. However, if she can only bring one, she'll choose the former. She isn't also afraid to let people know she reads smut books. Also her watch history across all her streaming accounts looks like she majored in murder and how to get away with it.

Has a high stamina and endurance in bed. Can put the energizer bunny to shame.

Well versed in the language of flowers. While she may not be good with her words, she often would use flowers to convey her feelings.. although she won't tell the recipient what she meant. Its up to them to figure it out.



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